5 Essential Far Cry 6 Tips & Tricks To Help You Survive Yara
Far Cry 6 is a quintessential Far Cry title. In fact, the game even garnered an Iron Seal of Approval from our very own Lord Addict. The game is packed with things to do and places to see. However, if things get overwhelming, we got your back. Here are 5 essential Far Cry 6 tips that will definitely help you out in Yara.
Develop Hideout Network First
Here’s an essential Far Cry 6 tip that’ll help you out immensely. After you unlock your first guerilla camp, be sure to develop the Hideout Network facility. First off, with this upgrade, you will get access to an uber-cool wingsuit. In addition, and more importantly, the upgrade allows you access to fast travel to other guerilla hideouts across Yara.
Get Rid of AA sites ASAP
Antón Castillo’s forces have set up anti-aircraft (AA) sites all over Yara. These sites impede you from traveling by air within their range. So, if you want to fly around in Yara, you’d better destroy AA sites as quickly as possible.
Here’s a bonus Far Cry 6 tip. If you want to fly in a location but there’s a pesky AA site around, be sure to fly low to the ground. The AA will send you a warning if you fly within its range. However, if you fly low to the ground, the AA radars won’t pick you up. So, you’ll be able to still fly around safely albeit while maintaining a very low altitude.
Complete Yaran Story Missions
Far Cry 6 is filled with stuff to do. But, if you see a purple icon of Yaran Story missions, they are definitely worth your time. Most of them are multi-part story missions, but they offer nice rewards like being able to call certain vehicles (like tanks and planes) from your guerilla camps. Better to be on the lookout when you see their purple icon on your map.
Change Your Gear’s Appearance
This Far Cry 6 tip might go under the radar, but it’s worth noting. The game allows you to change the appearance of any of your gear pieces aka transmog your gear. Don’t like the way those gloves look? Well, you can change its appearance! Go to the item you want to change and select inspect. Then look at the bottom left-hand side and you’ll see an eye icon. Click on it and you’ll be able to change up the look of your gear. You can only change its appearance to look like other gear you’ve already collected. So keep that in mind.
Use LMGs Equipped with Blast Rounds To Destroy Vehicles
Another solid Far Cry 6 tip is making sure you have a strong anti-vehicle weapon. Of course, you can use a rocket launcher or a grenade launcher and it does the trick. But sometimes, you’ll miss your mark and it will prompt a very long and tedious reload animation. Luckily, Far Cry 6 provides plenty of options and encourages experimentation.
With the said, loading Blast Rounds in an LMG makes for an awesome anti-vehicle weapon. Blast rounds are strong against vehicles and LMG’s have high-count magazines. So why not add them together. Combining blast rounds with an LMG will surely decimate any vehicle that crosses your path.
Do you have any Far Cry 6 tips of your own? Let us know in the comment section below.
Far Cry 6 is now available across Xbox, PlayStation, and PC platforms.