PAX East 2024: Path of Exile 2 Gameplay Impressions

PAX East 2024 is finally here. The Lords from the Iron Lords Podcast and LOGNET are live once again on the show floor. One of the many games being previewed on the show floor this year is Path of Exile 2. The sequel to the decade-long running Path of Exile. The lords were able to play 45 minutes of this highly anticipated ARPG and here are our impressions of the game so far!

PAX East 2024 Gameplay Impressions for Path of Exile 2

For starters, the game exudes a tone that never abandoned the grim darkness of the original game, as well as Diablo 2. The game also offered a few options before jumping. Such as a AWSD or left click option so people who want the traditional experience mouse and keyboard can still have it. While offering a more advanced option for people who want to focus their left on dodging, using abilities or drinking potions. The game’s UI is very minimal and not confusing to navigate, outside of its sheer massive skill tree that offer passive upgrades outside of the skill gems that unlock abilities.

I played the Ranger class and really enjoyed the long-range gameplay with an innate stagger that you can build up with consecutive bow attacks. To normal mobs, this was unseen, but felt in the boss battles. I only got to the second boss before my time was up and these bosses are no slouch while never falling to same-y mechanics. For instance, while both bosses I fought against had sweeping AoE attacks. The first locked me into an arena and was aggressively pushing towards me with every attack. While the second summoned waves of ads and had a more open arena that allowed me to take them down and focus back on her. It all felt fair, and their designs were gruesome.

As someone who never played the original game, I am very excited to do so now to wait out the time until the Path of Exile 2 releases.

Be sure to check out the rest of our PAX East 2024 coverage right here. While you’re here, subscribe to the Lords of Gaming YouTube channel to get all the latest game previews and developer interviews from the PAX East show floor and more.