Gotta Race Fast – Dr. Robotnik’s Ring Racers Fan Project Released


The Sonic franchise is no stranger to fan projects. The community has made many amazing projects, but one has a legacy like no other. Sonic Robo Blast 2 has been around since the early 2000’s and the game even had a karting spin-off. Using the same engine that powered the game, a Mario Kart inspired experience was enjoyed by many. A proper sequel has released as of this writing, called Dr. Robotnick’s Ring Racers on PC and Mac platforms.

What is Dr. Robotnick’s Ring Racers?

Being a sequel to Sonic Robot Blast 2 Kart, the developers at Kart Crew describe the game as the following;

Dr. Robotnik’s Ring Racers has been a tireless effort by the Kart Krew Dev team, and additionally comprises the work of many more independent contributors across the SRB2Kart, Sonic Robo Blast 2, Doom Legacy and broader Doom communities. We want to issue a heartfelt thanks to everyone who has made this project possible, spanning back over 30 years to Doom’s December 1993 release.

Thousands of hours of work—from the core development team, our dedicated tester team, the SRB2 development team, community contributors, independent musicians, and our volunteer moderators across the various community hubs—have culminated in this artifact of passion and dedication.

The meticulously crafted pixel and 3D art, catchy music and sounds, elaborate level design, and tightly tuned gameplay all come together into a complete product we are immensely proud to present to you, entirely for free.

You can watch a trailer for Dr. Robotnik’s Ring Racers below:

Overall Thoughts

As someone who has a keen eye on fan projects in the Sonic community, this took me by complete surprise. I was aware of Sonic Robot Blast 2 Kart, but never knew a proper title was being worked on.

Using that game as a base and building on it with a wealth of content is amazing, giving Sonic fans and fans of kart racers in general an fun SEGA themed experience. Sonic officially dabbled with kart racing with Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing series and even on the Game Gear with the Sonic Drift series. So, fan ventures such as this isn’t the first time Sonic took a break from running.

If you would want to check Dr. Robotnik’s Ring Racers out, you can visit the developers web site here to learn more. It’s released today on PC and Mac platforms. Will you go behind the wheel with Sonic and friends? Let us know in the comments below!