Patch 14.7 of Teamfight Tactics shipped on April 3rd, 2024. This is the first full patch of set 11, Inkborn Fables. Patch 14.7 brings many changes to many aspects of the game. One of the major changes is to the Storyweaver trait. Storyweaver is now weaker early on, but blue Kayle is now stronger. In addition, Ghostly is now weaker, while Inkborn and Inkborn items are now stronger. Finally, certain encounters now appear less frequently, helping to increase game variety and replayability. These are some of the biggest changes in patch 14.7 of Teamfight Tactics.
Storyweaver Changes
Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.7 brings many changes to the Storyweaver trait. The biggest nerf to the trait is to the three Storyweaver level. Kayle’s on-hit magic damage and ability cast damage are weaker at the three-trait level. In addition, the red and green Kayle items at three Storyweaver are now weaker. Five and seven Storyweaver Kayle are weaker as well, but only on stage 4. Kayle’s bonus ability power (AP) per champion star level decreases on stage 4 at those trait levels. For champions, Sivir, a core Storyweaver unit, is now weaker. Her ability duration is now shorter. As for buffs, the blue Kayle items for five and seven Storyweaver are stronger. These changes should result in a weaker Storyweaver trait early in the game. Late game, however, blue Kayle should now be a viable alternative to red Kayle.
Ghostly Nerfs
One major nerf on patch 14.7 is to the Ghostly trait. Mortdog says in his patch rundown that this trait emerged as one of the easier ones to play. The combination of ease and potency meant the trait was too strong. As a result, the damage amp per specter is lower at the four, six, and eight trait levels. For champions, three-star Shen is now weaker. His damage reduction falls from 90 to 70 at three-star. However, he will no longer be mana-locked using all empowered attacks during his ability. This should be a buff to his hero augment. Meanwhile, Morgana is now stronger at the one and two-star levels. Her spell’s damage increases at those levels. It remains to be seen how these champion changes will affect comps. What is certain, however, is the Ghostly trait itself is now weaker.
Inkborn Buffs
One of the biggest buffs brought by patch 14.7 is to the Inkborn trait. More specifically, many of the Inkborn items are now stronger. Tattoo of Bombardment has more base attack damage (AD) and attack speed (AS). Also, Tattoo of Force has more base armor and magic resist (MR). In addition, Tattoo of Vitality heals more and does more damage. Furthermore, Tattoo of Fury has a higher base AS. Finally, Tattoo of Toxin does a higher percentage of poison damage. For players who hit seven Inkshadow, the damage amplification and reduction is also higher. In addition, Kai’Sa, a main Inkshadow carry, received a buff to her AD. These changes should work well together to help make Inkshadow more vibrant.
Encounter Frequency
One other change worth noting is that certain encounters now appear less frequently. For opening encounters, Bard and Lillia will appear less often. The Sett carousel encounter is now less frequent. Cho’gath’s slot trade encounter and Rakan’s recombobulate encounter are also less frequent. According to Mortdog, these encounters had a higher rate than normal. Patch 14.7 fixes this, returning them to the normal rate. Getting the same encounters repeatedly hurts the replay ability of the game. For players who value variety, this is sure to be a welcome change.
Patch 14.7 of Teamfight Tactics brings changes to many parts of the game. The Storyweaver trait is weaker early, but blue Kayle is now stronger. Ghostly is now weaker, but Inkborn is now stronger. Some of the most frequent encounters are now less frequent, increasing variety. These are just some of the changes on patch 14.7 of Teamfight Tactics. In addition, a mid-patch update shipped on April 4th, 2024. The full patch notes, including the mid-patch update changes, can be found here, and are summarized below:
- Alune’s four cost hit point (HP) buff increased from 100 to 120.
- Alune’s four cost AS buff increased from 10% to 12%.
- Aatrox’s choice gold decreased from 10 to 8 gold.
- Alune’s two cost HP buff decreased from to 180 HP.
- Alune’s two cost AS buff decreased from 20% to 10%.
- Irelia’s carousel delay before player movement increased from 6.75 to 9 seconds.
- Tahm Kench’s choice gold decreased from 10 to 8 gold.
- Teemo’s prediction win reward decreased from 14 to 10 gold.
- Bard’s opening encounter will appear less often.
- Cho’Gath’s shop slot trade encounter will appear less often.
- Lillia’s augments shuffling opening encounter will appear less often.
- Rakan’s recombobulate encounter will appear less often.
- Sett’s carousel encounter will appear less often.
- Carousel encounters have decreased duration.
- Sett’s squatting encounter size increase decreased from 1.4 to 0.7.
- Wukong’s 6 Radiant Items can no longer include Rascal’s Glove
- Wandering Trainers is now Trainer Sentinels.
- Wandering Vendors is now Vendor Sentinels.
- Both augments now grant Sentinels instead of Training Dummies.
- Sentinels can move, attack, and cast abilities.
- Wandering Trainer augments can now be offered during Trainer Sentinel portals.
- Escort Quest augment can now be offered during Trainer Sentinel and Vendor Sentinel portals.
- Stage 2 prismatic orb containing 2 component anvils and 3 gold now give 4 gold.
- Stage 3 and 4 prismatic orb containing Masterwork Upgrade and 5 gold no longer includes gold.
- Stage 2 prismatic orb masterwork upgrade can no longer drop.
- Arcanist’s bonus AP for arcanists increased from 20/45/80/125 to 20/50/85/125.
- Heavenly Emblem’s omnivamp increased from 3% to 6%.
- Inkshadow 7’s damage amp and damage reduction increased from 10% to 20%.
- Most Inkshadow Tattoos are buffed:
- Bombardment’s base AD and AS increased from 20% to 25%.
- Force’s base armor and MR increased from 30 to 35.
- Fury’s base AS increased from 25% to 30%.
- Toxin’s poison damage increased from 33% to 44%.
- Vitality’s percent HP heal and damage increased from 2.5% to 3%.
- Storyweaver’s Scroll of Force gives Kayle’s ability 50% more damage.
- This is in addition to a wider area of effect.
- Storyweaver’s Tome of Power’s damage amp increased from 10% to 20%.
- Note: The mid-patch update reduces this change to 15%.
- Altruist’s armor and MR decreased from 10/25/45 to 10/20/40.
- Fortune 7’s luck bonus decreased from 30 to 25.
- Value of fortune 7 orbs decreased.
- Ghostly’s damage per spectre decreased from 5/12/20/35% to 5/10/16/32%.
- Heavenly Wukong’s bonus AS decreased from 12% to 10%.
- Reaper 4’s Reaper’s bleed damage decreased from 50% to 45%.
- Storyweaver’s Talisman of Speed’s bonus AS decreased from 15% to 12%.
- Storyweaver’s Talisman of Aid’s sunder and shred decreased from 30% to 20%.
- Storyweaver 3’s Kayle’s on-hit magic damage decreased from 20% AP to 18% AP.
- The ability’s cast damage decreased from 150% AP to 140% AP.
- Storyweaver 5 and 7’s Kayle’s AP per champion star level at stage 4 decreased from 12 to 10.
- Artist’s easter egg is now easier to uncover.
- Storyweaver’s Kayle’s ability now stops shortly after hitting the primary target.
- The mid-patch update adds this change.
- Kobuko’s ability’s damage increased from 10% HP to 15% HP.
- Kha’Zix’s ability’s AD ratio increased from 310% to 340%.
- Kindred’s ability’s damage increased from 115/175/260% AP to 125/185/285% AP.
- Lux’s ability’s damage increased from 210/315/480% AP to 225/340/525% AP.
- Qiyana’s ability’s AD ratio increased from 135% AD to 150% AD.
- Shen is no longer mana-locked after using all three empowered attacks during the duration of his ability.
- This is a buff to his hero augment.
- Diana’s ability’s mana cost decreased from 120 to 100.
- Her starting mana decreases from 70 to 50 to keep the same time to first cast.
- Soraka’s ability’s damage increased from 220/330/510% AP to 230/345/550% AP.
- Her ability’s secondary damage increases from 110/165/255% AP to 120/180/290% AP.
- Tristana’s ability AD buff increased 45/45/50% to 50/50/60%.
- Ashe’s AD increased from 65 to 70.
- Kai’Sa’s AD increased from 70 to 75.
- Morgana’s ability’s damage increased from 250/375/1600% AP to 265/400/1600% AP.
- Xayah’s AD increased from 80 to 85.
- Kog’Maw’s ability casts to gain 1 range increased from 2 to 3.
- Sivir’s ability’s duration decreased from 8 to 6 seconds.
- Yasuo’s ability’s shield armor and MR scaling decreased from 100/110/125% armor + MR to 50/60/75% armor + MR.
- Shen’s self damage reduction decreased from 40/50/90% AP to 40/50/70% AP.
- Bards’s AS decreased from .8 to .75.
- Note: The mid-patch update reverted this change.
- Thresh’s Fated’s bonus armor and MR decreased from 20 to 18.
- Thresh’s ability’s shared armor and MR decreased from 30/30/35% to 15/15/20%.
- Yone’s ability’s mana cost increased from 60 to 70.
- His starting mana increases from 0 to 10 to keep the same time to first cast.
- The mid-patch update adds this change.
- Yone’s ability’s shield decreased from 280/340/400% AP to 250/300/350% AP.
- The mid-patch update adds this change.
- Hwei’s ability’s damage decreased from 200/300/2000% AP to 180/270/2000% AP.
- Hwei’s ability’s end healing decreased from 100/150/1000% AP to 80/120/10000% AP.
- Midnight Siphon’s max health additional ability damage increased from 20% to 25%.
- Fine Vintage no longer counts non player versus player (PVP) rounds.
- Two for One is no longer offered on stage 2-1, and is now only offered on stage 3-2.
- Lucky Paws’s Kobuko’s ability damage decreased from 300% to 250%.
- The mid-patch update adds this change.
- Drop Blossom! has a + version on stage 3-2 that gives a 2-star Neeko.
- Ethereal Blades has a + version on stage 3-2 that gives a 2-star Shen.
- Everything Must Go is re-enabled.
- Midnight Siphon has a + version on stage 3-2 that gives a 2-star Yorick.
- At What Cost has been disabled.
- Twin Terror I and Twin Terror II have been disabled.
- Sterak’s Gage’s HP gain increased from 20% to 25%.
- Zz’Rot Portal’s Voidspawn’s armor and MR increased from 20 to 30.
- Fist of Fairness’s AD and AP increased from 50 to 60.
- Fist of Fairness’s critical strike chance increased from 20% to 40%.
- Legacy of the Colossus’s base damage reduction increased from 12% to 16%.
- Legacy of the Colossus’s damage reduction below 40% health increased from 24% to 30%.
- Spear of Hirana’s AD and AP increased from 45 to 50.
- Spear of Hirana’s mana increased from 15 to 20.
- Sterak’s Megashield’s HP increased from 30% to 40%.
- Sterak’s Megashield’s AD increased from 55% to 60%.
- Gargoyle Stoneplate’s base armor and MR decreased from 35 to 30.
- Hextech Gunblade’s omnivamp decreased from 22% to 20%.
- Ionic Spark’s health decreased from 200 to 150.
- Morellonomicon’s AS decreased from 15% to 10%.
- Aegis of the Legion’s AS decreased from 30% to 25%.
- Zz’Rot Portal’s Voidspawn’s AS decreased from .8 to .75.
- Zz’Rot Portal’s Voidspawn’s total AD value per stage decreased from 80/80/173/225 to 80/80/120/180.
- Covalent Spark’s health decreased from 400 to 350.
- Covalent Spark’s zap damage decreased from 250% mana to 200% mana.
- Crest of Cinders’ burn damage decreased from 3% HP to 2% HP.
- Dvarapala Stoneplate’s armor and MR per enemy targeting holder decreased from 20 to 15.
- Dvarapala Stoneplate’s health regeneration decreased from 2% to 1.5%.
- More More-ellonomicon’s burn damage decreased from 3% HP to 2% HP.
- Zz’Rot Portal’s Voidspawn no longer scales base AD with stage, and scales only with stat level.
- Zz’Rot Portal’s Voidspawn stars to 2-star on stage 4 and 3-star on stage 5.