Write Your Own Legend in Inkborn Fables


Inkborn Fables, set 11 of Teamfight Tactics, is now live. Inkborn Fables replaces Remix Rumble as the active set. Set 11 brings a new theme, along with new champions, traits, augments, and portals. In addition, Inkborn Fables adds a new set mechanic, called encounters, replacing headliners. The effects of these encounters vary, and they can appear at several different times. Inkborn Fables also introduces two new champions to Runeterra, Alune and Kobuko. These are some of the highlights of Inkborn Fables.


The new set mechanic for Inkborn Fables is the encounter system. Several times each match, an encounter will trigger with a champion. Encounters can happen on player’s boards, or on the carousel, depending on the encounter. Some encounters can happen before the match starts, replacing portals for that match. The type and effect of encounters, as well as the number per match, vary. This helps to ensure that each match is different. For players who play many matches each set, this can be incredibly important. With over ninety encounters, players never know which champion they will encounter next.

Kobuko and Alune

Inkborn Fables introduces new champions for the first time since Silco in set 6. Alune is Aphelios’ twin sister, and she appears directly for the first time. Normally supporting her brother from the spirit realm, Alune finally takes the stage herself. Kobuko, meanwhile, is an entirely new Yordle tank, looking to flex his muscles. Originally from Bandle City, Kobuko found a home in Ionia. Players can look to write fables of their victory using these new champions.

Trait Emblem Augments

One other important change in set 11 is the removal of the headliner mechanic. Because of this, trait emblems are added back into the augment pool. Players can once again look for these augments to chase max trait levels. Emblems are necessary to hit some of those max trait levels. This is especially true for traits without a craftable emblem with a spatula. Hitting the right augment for a comp could lead to victory. However, sometimes it might be best to change comps based on the offered augment. Decisions such as this are now possible again in Inkborn Fables.


With any new set, there are many new things to learn and discover. Mortdog breaks everything down in his 14.6 Patch Rundown. For those looking for the full patch notes, they can be found here. The start of a new set is the best time to try things out. Players can begin writing their own legend today.