At the start of this year, Digital Extremes started a new weekly show called “Devshorts“. This new weekly show is aimed at keeping the Warframe and Soulframe communities up to date with what they are working on. This show premiers every Tuesday, with CEO of Digital Extremes Steve Sinclair and Creative Director Rebecca Ford. It also only runs for fifteen minutes on the dot, and they just wrapped up with the eleventh episode today. Here is everything they talked about!
Devshorts 11 Breakdown for Warframe
This weeks Devshorts was dedicated to recapping the last week of nerfs and tweaks with some info for iOS players:
- They apologized for how they handled the Dante nerf. They have mentioned because of the nerf they were able to improve line of sight for all warframes that have abilities that rely on it, however.
- Nezhas augment that was hit with a range nerf will be getting some love soon.
- They recapped what you can expect in an upcoming hotfix. Such as Overguard no longer preventing Rage for all warframes and Vex Armor for Chroma.
- Finally, the iOS version will be getting fixed to prevent certain progression blockers that have been reported.
But that wraps up this weeks Devshorts for Warframe. If you would like to watch the full stream for any minute details, you can do here.