Lightfall Weapons and Gear

Destiny 2: Lightfall Weapons and Gear Trailer


Lightfall is the next major expansion for Destiny 2. It promises to continue the “Light versus Dark” saga and usher in a new year of seasonal content. Meanwhile, Bungie has slowly revealed Lightfall information leading up to its launch. A new Lightfall Weapons and Gear trailer dropped this week showcasing your arsenal against the Witness and their allies. Here is the breakdown.

Weapons and Gear

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The latest Lightfall trailer focuses on new exotic weapons and gear for each class. Each item highlights the unique style of Neomuna. Subsequently, this is the first trailer introducing the unique verbiage for Strand. Few details are known outside what the trailer shows us; however, the exotic weapons shown are as follows.

  • Final Warning – Exotic sidearm with charged tracking rounds.
  • Deterministic Chaos – Exotic, heavy machine gun that applies void debuffs based at different intervals.
  • Quicksilver Storm catalyst – Grenades create Tangles on kills.
  • Winterbite – Freeze enemies with a frost orb.

Bungie excels in marketing. Furthermore, Strand enhances the appeal of these new weapons. Quicksilver Storm seems to be changing damage types from Kinetic to Strand. Hopefully, the catalyst synergy is potent when we get our hands on the Strand Subclasses.

Winterbite is my personal favorite from the trailer. Glaives have slowly become stronger since Witch Queen. Bungie has introduced a glaive for each energy type except for one in the Kinetic slot. Winterbite will be first by being Stasis. I only hope it proves to be a more useful exotic Glaive unlock its Witch Queen counterparts.

Exotic Gear

Next, Lightfall brings new exotic gear for each guardian class. These armor pieces each synergize with Strand and enhance your subclass utility.

  • Warlock
    • Swarmers (Exotic boots) – Destroying Tangles spawn Threadlings.
  • Titan
    • Abeyant Leap (Exotic boots) – Barricade spawns additional Lashes.
  • Hunter
    • Cyrtarachne’s Facade (Exotic helmet) – Grapple gives woven mail.

A lot of Strand verbs like Tangles were used throughout the Lightfall Weapons and Gear trailer. It is difficult to analyze much of the trailer without the full Strand breakdown from Bungie. Additionally, we can only speculate on the state of the sandbox before Lightfall launches. Woven mail might seem very strong in PvP on paper as it grants flinch resistance. However, we do not have that exact value. Abeyant Leap could prove potent or be left to collect dust like the Khepri’s Horn exotic.

Lightfall Weapons and Gear
Strand traversal in Neomuna

Lastly, we see Strand in full effect through the “Weapons and Gear” trailer. Soon, we will have a full look at the new cosmic power Lightfall will bring with its launch on February 28. Which items have you most excited about from the trailer? Let us know in the comments down below. Remember for all things Destiny 2, bend the knee in the realm of Lords of Gaming.

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