How Long Do The PS VR2 Sense Controller’s Battery Last?
Now that PS VR2 has launched, you can read our review here. As part of that review, we ran the PS VR2 Sense controllers through three timed tests to see on average how long the controllers last until they stop working. These new controllers charge just like the PS5 controller via a USB-C cable, there is no removable battery.
Over our three tests, we found that the controllers lasted between 4:15, and 4:45 per full charge. Obviously what we found was that the battery life lasted longer with games that are less active. We also noticed that the controllers last a long time after the initial “low battery” warning, sometimes even 90 minutes.
The good news is, you are really not going to want to have a VR session longer than five hours. Although there are two problems here. First, we did this same test with the PS5 DualSense controller when it launched, the batteries lasted 12 to 14 hours. Today my launch DualSense controller might last 8 to 10 hours. If the PS VR2 Sense controllers have that level of degradation, it is going to be a problem. Secondly, if the controllers lasted two more hours, it would be so much better. That extra time would be just long enough for two sessions and a break before a full charge is needed. The controllers take around 70 minutes to charge to complete.
Unfortunately, given the price of the PS VR2 unit, we hate to say it but you really need a PS VR2 Sense controller charging stand. The charging stand from PlayStation Direct is another $50 on top of the nearly $650 you will spend on PS VR2 and some games. It is such a pain to plug both controllers into separate USB-C phone chargers you may have laying around. The docking station comes with USB-C contact charging plugs that make for seamless pick-up and play usage. We highly recommend it over turning your PS5 into a wire-filled mess.