Phantasy Star Online 2

Phantasy Star Online 2 Coming To PS4?

Phantasy Star Online 2 is a massive online game that has been a PC exclusive since it came out. During the Xbox E3 2019 briefing, it was announced the game will finally be coming to Xbox sometime next year. However, we didn’t know if Phantasy Star Online 2 would be a timed exclusive or if it’s coming to the other consoles.

During an interview Giant Bomb, Phil Spencer said that the fan favorite game would come out to all platforms. So it looks like the game might be a timed exclusive and will come to PS4 and maybe switch sometime after the Xbox One release.

Phantasy Star Online 2 is a video game in the phantasy star series published by Sega. Western releases of these fan-favorite games rarely happen. The Japanese version released back in 2016 and a Vita version back in 2013. There is currently an unofficial English patch available for the PC Japanese version right now.


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