Animal Crossing New Horizon

Animal Crossing: New Horizons outsells all Digitally in April

Last month was a very good month for gaming. Especially for Nintendos newest hit game Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The game sold more copies digitally than any other game in April. is reporting that the game has sold 3.6 million digital copies worldwide. It is a slight dip in what the game did in March. Still that is a phenomenal number to obtain when so many other great games were released. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is now the top game in lifetime digital sales and lifetime digital revenue. Think about this for just one minute. The game has only been out for two months and it has completely destroyed another Switch title in digital sales. I’m very happy to see so many players enjoying this title. It had been a long wait for the fans to see this new game.

Animal Crossing Pax East

Some of the other top digital sellers for the month of April included Final Fantasy VII: Remake on the Playstation 4 with 2.2 million sold. Resident Evil 3 even did really well last month. The game sold an impressive 1.3 million digital copies. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered sold an impressive 3.4 million copies. On launch day the game only sold 622k copies, the game was launched on March 31st. It will only cost the game player a mear $19.99 to purchase. I can’t wait to see how well Animal Crossing: New Horizons sells in the month of May.

Hector Ramirez II has written a great article on gaming and dating during this pandemic. Have you had the chance to see what is coming to the Nintendo Switch’s eShop? We have that covered for you. Don’t forget to bookmark for all your gaming and entertainment needs.

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