
PS5 Reveal Event: Godfall Gameplay Unveiled


Godfall gameplay premiered during Sony’s PlayStation 5 reveal event. The game could be considered the very first PlayStation 5 title announced back during the 2019 Video Game Awards. The game is being developed by Counterplay Games and published by Gearbox.

Godfall gameplay featured some very sizable swords and bladed weapons that cut through enemies like butter. The gameplay footage looks starkly different from its initial reveal last year. But don’t fret, it does look promising.

See More: PS5 Reveal Event: Project Athia Steals the Show

It’s taking on the Destiny 2 formula so expect a fully-fledged game as service. Godfall is expected to launch alongside Sony’s upcoming PlayStation 5 console. The game is slated to release on PC later this year.

Stay tuned with Lords of Gaming for the latest news and insights.

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