March 2nd marked the passing of a founding member of our community. A pillar of strength, morality, and character in a word desperately in need of all three. Kevin Wain spent the last year of his life kicking cancer’s ass. This week, he was set free from pain. This week, his sword was put down one last time. Here are some words from a few of us current and former members of staff.
From Joshua Reding, the Editor-in-Chief
Though I only knew Kevin Wain, or Dizzy as we knew him most commonly, two short years, his passion left a mark on me. I came to Lords of Gaming with the original crop of writers. Back when none of us knew what we were doing. When it was Dizzy’s dream to run a website that stood alongside the titans of the industry after helping to build the Iron Lords community. Dizzy loved the website. He loved writing, and he loved the people that put the work in here day in and day out to make this place something you visit.
I would be lying if I said we got along at the beginning, because we didn’t. In fact, barely two months in, I told him I was going to quit if the editorial staff didn’t start getting harder on the writers. He was a people person. He recognized that the strength of the community that he was building here was not that all the writers sounded identically professionally the same. No, it was that each person had a voice. It was that voice that needed to be amplified. That voice that needed to be sharpened, not dulled.
In August of 2019, just six months after launch, I took over as interim Editor-in-Chief, and I have held that position through today. Dizzy was undergoing chemo for cancer then, but it never stopped him from being involved. He’d come to our monthly writer’s meetings and he had a quiet power to him. When he talked, he was always worth listening to. You could always hear his son in the background. Man, he loved his family. I had my first child a year ago, and my biggest regret is not asking him for more advice on how to raise him right. It is the deepest of injustices that Parker has to grow up with his Father as a memory and that Rosie has to raise him without the love of her life at her side. It’s not fair that with the vaccine permeating through communities as we speak that we still have to lose those closest to us.
Though he has departed us, he will never be gone. He will always have a seat at the roundtable. He will always be the Lord of Gaming. Our thoughts and prayers go out especially to Parker and to Rosie that they can find some comfort in the stellar man Kevin was, and how many lives he touched all across the world. This website is just one aspect of your immense legacy. We will be good stewards of it. Godspeed.
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