E3 season is in full swing and the good news never stops. DBZ fans get ready for DRAGON BALL Z: Kakarot’s third and final DLC launching on June 11.
DRAGON BALL Z: Kakarot DLC 3 Drops on June 11
There is no doubt that Kakarot is one of the most epic DBZ video game experiences. The third and final DLC drop, titled Trunks: The Warrior of Hope will ensure its epic status for the foreseeable future. Trunks: The Warrior of Hope DLC will be available on June 11.
Players get to experience the drama and over-the-top battles in this latest story arc. The DLC features the exploits of Trunks as can only be told and experienced in DBZ Kakarot.
Fans can still purchase the DBZ Kakarot Season Pass for $24.99. The pass gives fans access to this new DLC along with the first two DLC drops and a bonus extra item.
DRAGON BALL Z: Kakarot is available now for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.