Shpeshal Nick

343i Layoffs & Halo Future | Scalebound & Gears Rumors | Avengers Shutdown | ft Shpeshal Nick


Welcome to another episode of The Iron Lord Podcast. The Lords are joined by Shpeshal Nick of Xbox Era! The Lords discuss his gaming history, podcasting, and his journey in creating an independent website. The Lords also discuss 343 Industries layoffs; Halo Infinite’s future; Scalebound plus Gears rumors; and Marvel Avengers shutting down. ILP 288 is in the books!

Shpeshal Nick TIMESTAMPS

00:00 – ILP# 288 Pre-Show!

15:48 – ILP# 288 Show Start! Intro Video ends at 17:25 .

18:19 – @LordCognito is up with “Lordly Introductions” for this week’s special guest & co-founder of #XboxEra, Lord Shpeshal Nick!

01:13:18 – Lord Nick talks about his early gaming history & career history!

02:24:18 – Lord Nick gives his Top 5 Games/Franchises & Favorite Console of All-Time!

02:37:18 – The Lords go over last week’s results for the Official #ILP #LOGNET Twitter Poll!

02:44:229 – The Lords talk about the recent #HaloInfinite layoffs at #343Studios!

03:58:08 – The Lords talk about recent gaming rumors, including #Scalebound & #MarvelsAvengers ending development!

04:38:37 – The new question for the Official #ILP #LOGNET Twitter Poll is up for the week!

04:39:28 – The Lords do their Outros with Shpeshal Nick!

Be sure to check out everything the Iron Lords have to offer! Click the links below:


See more ILP: Check out Gene Park Washington Post Reporter | Xbox Developer Direct | The Last Of Us HBO | Ubisoft Future

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