How The Warframe Community Feels About The Duviri Paradox


The Duviri Paradox in Warframe has been out for a few weeks now and had its up and downs. From the new gameplay to its new and varied open world. To Its story that dropped the ball on a few aspects but also added a brilliant new game mode in The Circuit. A few days ago I took to Reddit to get a feel for how the community felt about The Duviri Paradox overall. Here are the results, from the positives, the negatives, and the ugliness.

Poll Results

For starters, I ran a standard poll to get a general feel for those who would not comment. From a weirdly even 800 votes, these were the results:

  • Most found it good.
  • A good amount found it okay.
  • Some found it disappointing.
  • As well as a few thought it was bad.

The general consensus seems to indicate that most players do like the experience on offer from it. But how do those who voted and commented on the post find the expansion?

The Positives for The Duviri Paradox

Players found Duviri, its story, and the art direction surrounding it to be pretty good. They are also enjoying The Circuit as well as the weekly rotation for rewards from a good idea to keep the content replayable. There is also a lot of love for the horses in the expansion since they are an interesting way to traverse Duviri, then when you unlock the ability to do, traverse other open worlds with it. One new player by the name of Boolzay even chimed in to say:

I’m new to Warframe, chose the drifter starting experience and the whole time I was like I can’t believe this s— is free, felt like playing a triple A title. I’m now jumping in and out of Duviri, but I prefer Duviri.

Some commenters even talked about how they felt excited about the upcoming Echoes of Duviri update that Digital Extremes talked about in Devstream 170. This update will bring with it a lot of new content, such as a new warframe and new weapons for the Drifter hopefully.

But alongside the positive comments are the negative comments.

The Negative Side

Honestly, the negative feedback about the expansion was more present in some of the comments. Some found the new drifter gameplay to be either odd, poorly balanced, or feeling pretty bad. Despite enjoying it myself, I can vouch for it feeling very primitive compared to the normal gameplay of Warframe. As such players will not always vibe with that drastic of a change. Some were not fans of the random load-outs as well. Since you be stuck with either starter weapons or weapons that people will only craft and level for mastery rank points.

Some players were not fans of Duviri due to it feeling like a “Content Island”. Citing problems such as materials specific to Duviri possibly being needed for new weapons or warframes that will not have relevance to Duviri as problematic to grind an area they are not of. As well as wanting the Undercroft segment of Duviri runs to be removed or adding a free roam to Duviri to allow players to enjoy themselves in that world. Something else that also came up was how Host Migration was plaguing the game, especially in the circuit and I agree that something needs to be done it. I do not think dedicated servers are an option. But possibly allowing players to promote others to the leader of a group to let them host for their connection could be a proper fix.

But now comes the ugliness of the update.

The Ugly Bugs and Glitches Aplenty

The Duviri Paradox has a lot of problems when it comes to this area. I know more hotfixes are coming since a 7th was added yesterday. But they fix very random issues but not some of the important stuff. As a matter of fact, there is still an entirely missing side activity in Duviri. The “Kaithe Racing” was removed after day one in Duviri due to game-breaking issues. But there are still a ton of problems that plague Duviri and The Circuit. Such as loading into activities as your Kaithe which is relatively new. As well as losing progress in The Circuit when host migration happens.

The Duviri Paradox

This is understandably frustrating considering if you do a run in Duviri itself, the game saves what resources and intrinsic you earn up to your last decree claimed. The reason I bring this up is in the Circuit you earn decrees during your run to bolster damage output and survivability. It is strange that the “up to last decree earned” was not applied to The Circuit but could be a factor to ending a ton of frustration. I myself have lost multiple circuit levels for Steel Path near the end of the 10 tiers. I just hope some solution can be applied from Digital Extremes to mitigate this issue. It would be a shame to see returning or new players drop this update due to this as it is the most consistent issue.

In Conclusion

The Duviri Paradox seems to be most positively received by the community so far. But concerns about the content’s viability moving forward. As well as random loadouts feeling unfair at times are putting some players off. The bugs and glitches are part and parcel of any Warframe update. But there are so many consistent and weird problems that do need to be addressed. As well as Kaithe Racing still being absent from Duviri right now. I know in time all problems can be fixed. But I hope they resolve everything soon to help spread positive word of mouth for this expansion.

If you would like to read the full thread you can do so here. If you are looking for a more detailed description of The Duviri Paradox you can read our review here.

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