Wayfinder: Strategy to Survive Commander Creed


As you continue down the rabbit hole of Wayfinder, you will unlock more and more challenging content. Between stronger expeditions, and difficult hunts, you will eventually run into the Commander Creed. He is a very strong boss in the game early on. As such, most players will be having problems with him well into the fifth, sixth even seventh retry. To avoid that, here is an easy breakdown of how to survive this hunt.

Commander Creed Strategy for Wayfinder

For starters make sure you are a Wingrave or make sure your group has one. Otherwise, please use a ranged weapon or a weapon that can break defenses easily like a two-handed weapon. Reason being is that the Commander Creed in Wayfinder will perform multiple focused strikes. As well as jump around and create area of effect pools where he lands. Dodge his strikes as much as you can. But be forewarned that once you get him to half of his health, he will start summoning allies to create large sweeping devastating blows to the map.

Wayfinder Commander Creed

If you see an area covered in red, avoid it at all costs. Even if you see an ally downed, do not run to revive them if they are in an area that’s about to be hit. Once you get him to low health, he will stop these attacks and go to the center of the map to constantly create blasts around him. This will be your final chance to deal all of the damage you can to him.

A breakdown of what to do for this hunt in Wayfinder:

  • Dodge attacks constantly unless you or a teammate is a Wingrave and can taunt him.
  • At half health, stay out of every red zone and slowly knock his health down.
  • When he is at very low health, he will go to the center stage. Use all of your abilities and special attacks to instantly kill him before he kills you.

But this is the best way to survive this hunt. You may have to do this multiple times for quests, so make sure to use what you learn here for you and your teammates survival in Wayfinder.

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