Knock Out Blow – Knuckles TV Show Breaks Records


Paramount’s Sonic the Hedgehog started a lot for video game adaptations. While they have always existed, no one expected Sonic of all franchises to be a blockbuster juggernaut. With both the original 2020 film and it’s 2022 sequel being commercial hits, more was on the way.

A spin-off series, lasting six episodes, focusing on Idris Elba’s Knuckles and Adam Pally’s Wade released on April 26th. The show not only was a critical success, but it also broke records for Paramount.

You Ready? – Knuckles Breaks Records

After the entire series released, many watched it in droves. But even Lord Sonic didn’t expect over 4 million to tune on Knuckles’s adventures. Here is what Variety had to say on the matter:

Per the streaming service, the “Sonic the Hedgehog” spinoff series was viewed for more than 4 million hours in its first few days of availability after dropping all six episodes on April 26. That also makes it the most-watched kids & family title ever on Paramount+. Viewership for other “Sonic the Hedgehog” titles on the service also saw a substantial lift, up 278% over their daily average.

To say anyone expected these numbers would be an understatement, as even Paramount seemed surprised by the data they shared.

“The ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ fans came out in full-force,” said Jeff Grossman, executive vice president of programming at Paramount+. “We’re so thrilled with the record-breaking performance of ‘Knuckles’ and the incredible lift the whole Sonic universe has experienced following ‘Knuckles” premiere.”

Rougher than the Rest of Them – Lord Sonic’s Thoughts

As someone who has voiced his passion for the Sonic franchise, the reaction to the show itself surprises me. Many of the most die-hard Sonic fans are genuinely upset with the show, while many critics loved the show overall. But like anything, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I have watched four of the six episodes released as of this writing and I really enjoyed my time with the series. It honors the character of Knuckles very effectively, keeping the stoic but earnest warrior introduced in the second film. His journey in teaching the ways of ‘the warrior’ to Wade, a side-character in the first two films, leads to genuinely hysterical moments.

One episode in particular shocked me with a specific game they referenced, but the bigger surprise is how funny I found Wade. The movies presented him as just a side-character that the non-Sonic fans could laugh at. But here? They actually do what they did with Sonic’s parental figures from the movies. And giving that to Knuckles, a character who even in the game series is the last of his family, was heartwarming.

Expect more nuanced thoughts in a future editorial but I would recommend the series to those that love comedies and enjoyed the prior movies.

Super Power of Teamwork – Future Spin-Offs and Impact

Similar to the Fallout series having such a huge impact on the game series proper, I fully expect this to happen with Sonic. SEGA is already lining things up with the film series.

Shadow showing up in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, having a game focused on him in Sonic X Shadow: Generations and even having a Year centered on him; all are moves to link up the game series to the film franchise.

That cross-marketing can only grow as they introduce more of the Sonic cast into the film series. And even ignoring that, the possibility of a Sonic & Tails show similar to Knuckles is very likely.

Closing Thoughts

Will you all join Knuckles in saving the flowers and hunt for those Emerald Shards? Let us know in the comments below and look forward to more Sonic content from myself in the future. You can watch the Knuckles series on Paramount Plus and you can buy the series on most online storefronts.