Wayfinder: Trial of Lingering Light Strategy
In Wayfinder there are going to be many boss encounters. Ranging from easy ones like S’ilreth, to more challenging ones like the Bloodspawn. Sadly, these are going to be starter bosses and more challenging encounters will begin to pop up. Such as the Trial of Lingering Light. This encounter will not just be one boss, but four smaller ones that can be tricky to survive at the recommended power level. Here is a strategy on which mini bosses to take down first.
Trial of Lingering Light Strategy in Wayfinder
Once you enter the arena, you will have to take down a few waves of foes. Afterwards, they will summon two mini bosses that have their own attack patterns and devastating blows. For instance:
- The Owl will create multiple lines of damaging light, stay out of these and focus on breaking its defense and killing it as soon as you see it.
- If you see the Sage, he will throw multiple area of effect attacks and tracking bolts. If you see him, take him down immediately.
- The Bear very devastating if it can hit you, but it will be very slow, do not prioritize the beat over the owl or the sage.
- Finally, the Monk is very easy, just dodge when you see him about to strike.
Depending on whichever will spawn first in this hunt in Wayfinder, take them down in this order:
- Owl.
- Sage.
- Bear.
- Monk.
When in comes to imbuements, try to avoid Midas, or Double Toxic, or Solar. But this is the easiest strategy to go with for the Trial of Lingering Light. Best of luck on the fight in Wayfinder!