Wayfinder: How to Kill the Bloodspawn Easily


Wayfinder features many Hunts along the journey. Hunts are matchmade activities where three players can take down a big boss for either quests or quick loot. One such boss is the Bloodspawn. This is a boss you will take on pretty early in the game and has some challenging steps to it. Here is a quick and easy guide to taking it down!

Quick and Easy Bloodspawn Kill Guide for Wayfinder

For starters, make sure you pay attention to its attack patterns and parry it whenever possible. It will do constant jumps in place that can deal massive damage so dodge out of the way when you see the red circle appear around it. It is going to be a simple fight until the end. When you knock its health down all of the way it will spawn three slow moving slimes to regenerate itself. Focus on one at a time as a group, as they have a good amount of health and will regenerate the Bloodspawn when they reach them. But once you kill one, it stays dead, so it will most likely take three tries to get all three of them killed.

Wayfinder Bloodspawn
The slimes in the fight in Wayfinder.

When he regenerates he will do four jumps while spawning other explosive slimes. Kill them and wait until the boss is sitting in place to attack him again. But this should be all you need to know about the fight. He can be a pretty tough boss in Wayfinder if you do not coordinate well with your team.

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