Lord Petey Cities Skyline 2 thumbnail

Cities Skylines 2 | Impressions w/ Lord PeteyTV


Lord PeteyTV is here again to tell you about the title from publisher Paradox Interactive called Cities Skylines 2.

In the game, you end up building a community where you thrive and grow. The interesting part is that this expands on the first Cities Skylines game. I found it to be more in-depth than the first with lots of improvement. Want to find out more? Check the video below!

First Look at Cities Skylines 2

Paradox Interactive created a replica of Skylines One with Skylines 2. Naturally, this made me try and see the differences. Please pick it up now on Steam or get it on PC Game Pass! Our full impressions are in the video below. While you’re here, be sure to check out other first looks by LordPeteyTV right here.

What did you think about the impression video above? Does it seem like your kind of game? Sound off in the comment section below! As always, be sure to check back to Lords of Gaming for all your gaming and entertainment news, analysis, and reviews. Check out the game on Steam and PC Game Pass now!

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