Helo Hat Trick

How To Unlock The Helo Hat Trick Achievement In Modern Warfare 3

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3’s campaign is filled with plenty of missable achievements and trophies. If you are an achievement or trophy hunter it is likely that you are on the hunt for these missable rewards. One of these rewards is the Helo Hat Trick achievement/trophy. In this guide, I will break down where and how you can unlock this missable reward in the Modern Warfare 3 single-player campaign.

Where To Unlock The Helo Hat Trick Achievement/Trophy?

Helo Hat Trick

The Helo Hat Trick achievement/trophy is unlockable in the 3rd campaign mission called “Reactor”. In this mission, you will be tasked with taking down 3 cargo helicopters to stop Makarov from stealing an unknown material from a nuclear power plant. This is the first “open combat” mission in Modern Warfare 3, which means you will have several ways in which to complete your objective. In order to earn the Helo Hat Trick achievement/trophy you simply have to eliminate each of these helicopters with a different armament. This means you need to destroy each helicopter with a different scorestreak. You cannot use launchers or LMGs in order to destroy these helicopters or else it will not count. There are a few important things to note before you start hunting these helicopters though.

The first and most important perhaps is that not all scorestreaks will destroy a helicopter instantly. While heavy-hitting scorestreaks such as the Stealth Bomber, Mortar Strikes, and Hell-storm Missiles, will destroy a chopper in one strike. Other scorestreaks such as the Vtol Jet, Mosquito Drone, and Bomb Drone will not eliminate them as easily. But, you don’t need to worry as there will be plenty of scorestreaks located around the map for you to use at your disposal. Don’t worry about finding only the high-powered ones either, to unlock the achievement in my campaign I used two separate bomb drones in order to blow up the final helicopter. While the streaks themselves are completely randomized, where you will be able to find them is pretty much set in stone. The main marker you will want to look for is cache drops which are usually on top of buildings or caught in towers. They will be often filled with multiple streaks as well as unique weapons and ammo refills. An example of one can be seen in the image below.

After you land on the map, feel free to work your way around to the objective markers in whichever way you like. It does not matter in which order you take care of the helicopters. Only that you eliminate them with different scorestreaks. I highly suggest as you work your way to each helicopter that you eliminate as many enemies as possible along the way. As using these scorestreaks will attract a lot of enemy attention, and on higher difficulties, this will almost certainly spell death. After eliminating all three helicopters with different scorestreaks your achievement/trophy should pop. During this mission, you can also pick up the Hey Catch achievement/trophy as well so keep an eye out for explosive canisters.

Did you earn the Helo Hat Trick achievement? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to check back for the latest gaming news and information.

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