How To Unlock The Hey Catch! Achievement In Modern Warfare 3


Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is finally here and there is a wealth of content to dive into. However, if you are a fan of the single-player campaign. There is a wealth of achievements and trophies to be earned throughout the campaign. In this guide, I will break down how to unlock the Hey, Catch! achievement/trophy.

Where To Unlock Hey, Catch!

The Hey, Catch! achievement/trophy can be earned at several different points throughout the Modern Warfare 3 campaign. The earliest spot to earn it however is during the Reactor mission. This is the third mission in the single-player campaign. As you make your way through the open map you will find several storage sheds around the map that will be filled with various types of explosives. What you are looking for is a short round red barrel that will be called a “Flammable Canister”. You will want to pick one of these canisters up.

You will have a few different options once you pick it up. The first option will be to start a fuse which will turn the canister into a ticking time bomb that you can use to explode your enemies. However, what you want to do is simply throw the canister at an enemy quickly making sure that it hits the enemy. Once you throw it at the AI, pull out your rifle or pistol and shoot at the canister quickly. This will cause the container to explode instantly killing the AI you hit with it. This should then pop the Hey Catch achievement/trophy.

Did you unlock the Hey Catch! achievement? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to check back for the latest news and guides.

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