Larry Hryb formally known as Major Nelson of Xbox has finally found a new home! He joins Ben Kvalo on the video game publisher, Midwest Games board of advisors.
Larry Hyrb (aka Major Nelson) Joins Midwest Games’ Board of Advisors
Midwest Games broke the news via Twitter that Larry Hryb formerly Major Nelson of Xbox is joining the team. Larry joins them as an advisor to their communications team. This is what Midest Games via Twitter said:
We are thrilled to announce Larry Hryb (@majornelson)
Larry also posted a couple of Twitter responses to this announcement and he first said this:
Then to clarify Larry also added this:
Forbes did a more in-depth piece on the situation, but this is interesting. After over 20 years as one of the faces of Xbox, Larry decided to take a little break. Then out of nowhere, we get a cool announcement like this. It will be interesting to see how Larry helps out the team at Midwest Games as well as the other teams he might be a part of. As someone who has met Larry, he is a nice genuine person, so I look forward to seeing what else he can accomplish!