Some Heartsteel

Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.3 Brings Minor Changes Before Regionals

Patch 14.3 of Teamfight Tactics is now live. This is another small patch, similar to patch 14.2. There are several reasons for this, as Mortdog discussed in his patch rundown. One reason is that Mortdog says the meta is in a decent place. With the set nearing a close, there is no reason to do something massive. The other reason is that many regional competitions will be played on this patch. It is important to have a stable meta going into these events. For these reasons, there is not much to highlight from this patch. One big thing to note is a mechanic change, which is itself temporary. Another is a nerf to win streak Heartsteel. These are probably the two biggest changes on patch 14.3.

Item Component NumbersItem components in TFT

One of the biggest changes on patch 14.3 concerns item components. Previously, the number of item components a player received varied across the lobby. This added variance and allowed players to experience “high roll” games. This also meant players could fall behind on items due to luck. Now, all players will receive the same number of item components from monster rounds. This change is temporary, however, until patch 14.5, where a system rework will happen. Until then, players know they will never be at an item component disadvantage.

HeartsteelSett from Teamfight Tactics

Another change worth highlighting is to win streak Heartsteel. For stages 5 and 6, the hearts per kill drops from two to one. This is due to win streaking also granting bonus items because of the hearts. Fewer hearts per kill will now lead to fewer items. To compensate for this, the heart multiplier for 10 Heartsteel has increased. The result should be slightly less hearts overall. The main takeaway is that there will be less loot gained from win streaking. Sett is also getting a sizable nerf. This hurts the win streak part of Heartsteel, but could help its loss streak.

Patch Summary

As previously noted, this is a small patch. The noted changes are important, but they are not the only changes. There are some buffs and nerfs to note, to champions, items, and augments. The full patch notes can be found here, and will be summarized below:



  • Emo 6’s Ability Power (AP) increased from 10% to 20%.
  • Heartsteel 10’s heart multiplier increased from 10x to 18x.


  • Garen’s ability’s health gain increased from 215/230/245% to 215/245/275% AP.
  • Jax’s ability’s slam damage increased from 230/345/520% to 240/360/560% AP.
  • Senna’s ability damage increased from 105/155/225% to 110/165/255% AP.
  • Lux’s ability damage increased from 250/375/550% to 260/390/575% AP.
  • Caitlyn’s ability cost decreased from 90 to 75.
  • Karthus’s AP gained per cast increased from 30% to 40%.
  • Twisted Fate’s ability cost decreased from 120 to 105.
  • Jhin’s armor and magic resist (MR) increased from 30 to 40.
  • Jhin’s hit points (HP) increased from 850 to 950.
  • Sona’s Kinetic Form’s ability healing increased from 5/8/100% to 6/9/100% HP.
  • Sona’s Kinetic Form’s shield duration increased from 2/2/50 to 2.5/2.5/30 seconds.


  • Headliner Zed now gives a 5% bonus attack damage (AD).
  • Headliner Sona’s bonus attack speed (AS) per attack increased from 1% to 2%.


  • Runaan’s Hurricane’s bolt damage increased from 50% to 55% AD.
  • Statikk Shiv’s magic damage increased from 30 to 35.
  • Goldmancer’s Staff’s base AP increased from 30% to 45%.
  • Deathfire Grasp’s AP increased from 45% to 50%.
  • Runaan’s Tempest’s bolt damage increased from 100% to 110% AD.
  • Statikk’s Favor’s damage increased from 70 to 80.


  • Balanced Budget on stage 4-2 has been replaced with Balanced Budget+.
  • Balanced Budget+ gives 9 gold per round.
  • Bigger Shot’s bomb damage increased from 85% to 100% AD.
  • Endless Hordes’ champion health reduction decreased from 20% to 15%.
  • Endless Hordes+’s champion health reduction decreased from 20% to 15%.
  • Heartthrobs’ extra hearts increased from 20% to 25%.
  • Starter Kit now grants 4 gold.
  • Switching Gears’ gold per swap increased from 2 to 3.



  • Heartsteel stages 5 and 6 hearts per kill decreased from 2 to 1.
  • Punk 6’s bonus AD decreased from 45% to 42%.
  • Punk 6’s bonus HP decreased from 450 to 420.
  • Executioner’s critical strike chance max decreased from 25/100/200% to 25/80/160%.


  • Olaf’s ability healing at 3-star decreased from 35% to 30% AP.
  • Mordekaiser’s ability damage decreased from 220/330/525% to 200/300/480% AP.
  • Mordekaiser’s ability finale damage decreased from 220/330/525% to 200/300/480% AP.
  • Sett’s HP decreased from 950 to 900.
  • Sett’s ability main target damage decreased from 275/420/680% to 250/375/600% AP.
  • Sett’s ability cone damage decreased from 130/210/340% to 120/180/290% AP.
  • Karthus’s ability damage decreased from 175/260/580% to 160/240/540%.


  • Headliner Vi’s bonus HP decreased from 250 to 200.
  • Headliner Kayle’s bonus AS decreased from 25% to 20%.


  • No items have been nerfed in this patch.


  • Twin Terror I’s HP decreased from 350 to 300.
  • Twin Terror I’s AS decreased from 35% to 30%.
  • Twin Terror II’s HP decreased from 500 to 450.
  • Twin Terror II’s AS decreased from 50% to 45%.

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