Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.2 Brings Champion Reworks


Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.2 is now live. Compared to patch 14.1, this patch is very small. There are three major points to consider with this patch. Disco, which gained strength last patch, is now weaker. In addition, Punk is now a little bit stronger. Finally, three champions now work differently, which is important to note. These are three of the bigger changes for this patch.


Disco is the trait hit hardest in this patch. After Disco gained strength on the previous patch, something needed to change. The attack speed per tick is dropping at the four and five trait levels. In his patch rundown video, Mortdog says this is because Disco is strong midgame. The healing per tick is dropping slightly at the six trait level as well. Perhaps the biggest nerf of all though hits Twisted Fate. Disco’s main carry now needs more mana to cast. In addition, his spell will do less damage at the one and two-star levels. These changes should noticeably weaken Disco, and hopefully help level the playing field.



Punk is getting stronger with the release of this patch. Both the base hit point (HP) and base attack damage (AD) percentage are increased at all trait levels. This increase is even more effective than it might appear. This is due to how the Punk trait works, with rerolls scaling things further. As a bonus, Jinx is getting more AD. Jinx is one of the best reroll carries for Punk comps. With these buffs, Punk is certainly more viable than it was previously.

Champion Reworks

Three champions now work differently than before: Kayle, Urgot, and Karthus. Kayle used to have to cast her spell to ascend. Once ascended, she gained on-hit magic damage, and after four seconds dealt finale damage. Now, Kayle starts ascended, and her spell activation is instant finale damage. Urgot had a problem getting stuck on tanks with his spell. Now, if his spell hits a single target, it will deal 50% increased damage. To compensate, his spell now has less base damage. Finally, Karthus’s spell will always crit if possible. Critical strike chance will be converted to ability power (AP) on a one-to-one level. Karthus no longer generates mana from kills but gains 30% AP each spell cast. As a result, his mana has been adjusted, and his spell damage is reduced. These reworks could allow each champion to find a new place in the meta.

Patch Summary

These are the more notable changes for this patch. However, there are other changes to consider. There are several other buffs and nerfs. Some augments have been changed. The full patch notes can be found here, and will be summarized below:



  • Mosher’s attack speed (AS) increased from 20/40/60% to 20/40/70%.
  • Punk’s AS increased from 17/28/42% to 18/30/45%.
  • Punk’s HP increased from 170/280/420 to 180/300/450.


  • Corki’s spell AD damage increased from 300% to 320%.
  • Jinx’s AD increased from 45 to 50.
  • Kennen’s HP increased from 650 to 700.
  • Lillia’s spell’s mana cost decreased from 130 to 120.
  • Jax’s AS increased from .85 to .9.
  • Katarina’s spell AP damage increased from 140/210/315% to 150/225/340%.
  • Lulu’s spell’s third cast AP damage increased from 120/180/280% to 150/225/360%.
  • Miss Fortune’s spell AD damage increased from 280/280/290% to 295/295/305%.
  • Ezreal’s spell’s single target AD damage increased from 350/350/700% to 370/370/740%.
  • Karthus will now always crit with his spell if possible.
  • Karthus gains bonus AP based on critical strike chance.
  • Karthus gains 30% AP after each cast.
  • Karthus’s spell’s mana cost decreased from 120 to 105.
  • Poppy’s spell healing on hit increased from 5/5/5% to 5/5/10%.
  • Sona will no longer target training dummies and Illaoi tentacles.
  • Sona will only heal training dummies and Illaoi tentacles if they are the last units alive.


  • Headliner Kai’Sa’s bonus AD increased from 15% to 25%.


  • No items have been buffed in this patch.


  • Bigger Shot’s AD damage increased from 75% to 85%.
  • Good for Something’s gold drop chance increased from 30% to 35%.
  • Heartthrobs now gives 20% more hearts instead of keeping 20% on cash out.
  • Lategame Specialist’s gold increased from 30 to 33.
  • Submit to the Pit’s stats increased from +3 to +4.
  • Twin Terror I ‘s AS increased from 25% to 35%.
  • Twin Terror I’s HP increased from 250 to 350.
  • Twin Terror II’s AS increased from 35% to 50%.
  • Twin Terror II’s HP increased from 350 to 500.



  • Disco’s AS per tick decreased from 5/10/15/20% to 5/8/12/20%.
  • Disco’s healing per tick decreased from 2/3/3/5% to 2/3/3/4%.


  • K’Sante’s spell’s base damage reduction decreased from 25% to 20%.
  • Yasuo’s spell’s AD damage decreased from 300% to 280%.
  • Kayle’s spell cost increased from 30 to 120.
  • Riven’s spell AD damage decreased from 100% to 90%.
  • Urgot’s spell AD damage decreased from 175/175/180% to 160/160/165%.
  • Vex’s spell’s stun duration decreased from 1.5 to .75 seconds.
  • Karthus no longer gains mana from kills.
  • Champion Karthus’s starting mana decreased from 30 to 15.
  • Karthus’s spell’s damage decreased from 270/405/900 to 175/260/580.
  • Twisted Fate’s spell’s mana cost increased from 105 to 120.
  • Twisted Fate’s card damage decreased from 50/75/225 to 45/70/225.


  • Headliner Yone’s bonus HP decreased from 200 to 150.
  • Headliner Yone’s bonus AD decreased from 20% to 15%.


  • Thief’s Gloves are less likely to give ideal items at levels 7, 8, and 9.
  • Goldmancer’s Staff’s gold per kill decreased from 2 to 1.


  • Last Stand’s bonus HP decreased from 180 to 160.
  • Last Stand’s bonus Armor and magic resist (MR) decreased from 18 to 16.
  • Last Stand’s bonus omnivamp decreased from 18% to 16%.
  • Too Big to Fail’s damage decreased from 40% HP to 35% HP.
  • Twin Terror I’s critical strike chance decreased from 25% to 0%.
  • Twin Terror II’s critical strike chance decreased from 35% to 0%.


What do you think of the latest Teamfight Tactics Patch?

For more, be sure to check out Lord Michael Brown on Twitch at DeAd_PwNaGe

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