First PlayStation 5 GPU Benchmark Just Leaked
Sony revealed in April that the PlayStation 5 will use the latest AMD CPU and GPU technology. The PlayStation 5 is expected to be powerful. Full specs have not been revealed so we still did not know how powerful it’s going to be. However, it looks like this is about to change as the very first PS5 benchmark may have just leaked on Twitter. This benchmark is a courtesy of Tum_Apisak, who is well known by a PC community for leaking PC parts codes and benchmarks. He has access to a CPU and GPU database where benchmarks are being stored and this is how he stumbled upon a Gonzalo APU Fire Strike benchmark. Gonzalo is rumored to be a PS5 SoC and which was also leaked by Tum_Apisak. This is an engineering sample of the APU so the results are subject to change as usual with prototypes.
So let’s get to an actual benchmark numbers:
PS5’s Gonzalo APU scored above 20000 points which is very impressive. This is in perspective and compared to the top of the line PC graphics cards.
PS5’s Gonzalo APU seems to offer better performance than NVIDIA’s GTX 1080 which is very impressive for a console. GTX 1080 is still considered a top end GPU and capable of running a lot of games in Native 4K and 60 FPS. Console games are usually better optimized than it’s PC versions gamers are in for a treat next gen with these new consoles.
This is only one benchmark and performance in games will depend on the type of the game and game engine used. Still, this benchmark gives us a glimpse into what we should expect next year.
Source: Tum_Apisak
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Choo Choo! I am on board the hype train and I love it!
Same her man
Amazing. Unbelievable. Incredible. Mesmerizing. Astonishing. Just some of the words to describe myself. PS5 obviously will be better than PC in terms of value.
In terms of value for sure. It will be a very capable machine for sure
So why is the 2070 below the 1080 in those scores?
cause the 1080 is better lol
In terms of value for what? FPS per dollar? Maybe. Games pricing? Not really. Everything else? PC still best value. PC isn’t made just for gaming, so that’s not a fair comparison. It never was.
Consoles are almost a ‘one time investment’ that will last you the generation it’s on. I have a PS4 and when PS5 comes along, it will be an era gone. I also have a PC, a capable gaming machine with a 1080 Ti… but I still insist that a console = more value for money. Games on consoles are tailor made for that hardware spec. Everything works as it should for console. I can go on and on… PC on other hand, ‘degrades’. A mid-range PC today, 3-5 years later is a low-end machine. A high-end PC today, 3-5 years later is a mid-range machine. Consoles on the other hand – don’t “lose” their quality this way. Sure games generally look better on PC but consoles require little effort to get them running just the way the game dev intended.
Absolute drivel. a PC does not degrade, your outlook on performance however does.
It’s all relative. Your PC is “worse” because newer stuff has come out to make it look “worse”. it doesn’t actually look worse than 5 years ago, you just can no longer run top settings, but your games will still look as good as it did when it was top end.
A PS4 had no competition. So its looks stayed the same.
This is some mind-blowing fairy tale I’ve just read.
First, PS4 used mobile-tier hardware and was outdated, weak and underperforming on the release. Exclusive games like Bloodborne had terrible stutters because of awful frame times, frame drops below 30 fps all the way down to 20 or even 15 in some areas or fights. Absolutely inhuman loading times thanks to the garbage HDD. SATA-II (!) interface. Fake 1080p and 4k for both PS4 and “Pro” versions. The list goes and goes on.
I have GTX 980 that was released in 2014 and it’s STILL BETTER than PS4 and PS4 Pro. And I still can effortlessly play any video games in 1080p, 60 fps and at least medium to high graphical settings that look far better than graphical settings on PS4.
The hell are you saying about “degrading” PC, what an utter nonsense. It’s a console that degrades the whole industry and holds developers from using better graphics, better animations, better textures, better shaders, better shadows, lights, anti-aliasing and all the other things because they have to make a game for the same outdated and WEAK console hardware, they have to CUT out a lot of beautiful things from their games and degrade their games for consoles. That’s why 99% of multiplat games look BETTER on PC, because the developers can allow players to select ULTRA details, allow them to have unlocked FPS for 120Hz+ monitors with G-Sync or Freesync. It allows them to make their games AS INTENDED, as they personally wanted to make it instead of degrading their games to make them fit for consoles.
Consoles are literally fast food. Get it cheap, get it fast, don’t ask any questions about the quality. You don’t choose the ingredients, you can’t cook anything, you just use it and that’s it.
PC is for enthusiasts who can choose their own hardware parts, configure it, nothing holds you from upgrading anything, the whole system is open for tweaking.
Thank you for this comment, took the words right outta my mouth LOL. Console gamers have been scratching around in caves since the beginning let them have their day in the sun, we are still in heaven lol which reigns supreme.
Sony are hammering it next gen,those multiplats will never look better,good luck microsoft