Top 10 Games of E3
E3 2019 has been well past ended and now as the dust has settled we wanted to bring you the top 10 games that we are most excited about from E3. This list consists of votes from members of the Lords of Gaming website. While some games may be left off personal lists, this ranking is based on how many times it was voted and how high the vote was.
1) Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077 should not be a surprise to be seen as number one on the Lords of Gaming’s list. In fact, the CD Projekt Red game was the only title to appear on everyone’s list. During E3, Iron Lords Podcast Host, Lord Cognito, even had an opportunity to see private behind closed doors gameplay. The future looks bright for Cyberpunk 2077 and this is why it is our top-ranked game. Cyberpunk 2077 is set to release on PS4, PC and Xbox on April 16, 2020.
2) Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake is one of the most anticipated games for many gamers. Fans of the original game have been waiting over 20 years to see the modernization of the classic. Then there are the gamers that have yet to experience the world of Gaia and all its locations. The remake looks to add a spin by creating modern style Final Fantasy combat while including the Materia system from the first game. The only downside is that the game will be divided into multiple releases. Hopefully, this leaves room for plenty of content. Final Fantasy VII Remake is expected to release on PS4, March 3rd, 2020.
3) Watch Dogs Legion
The Watch Dogs franchise was one of the best looking games to be showcased at an E3. While the original game met well-deserved scrutiny after being criticized for visual downgrades, the series has become one of Ubisoft’s fan favorites. Watch Dogs Legion looks to take the series to a highly radical London where everything seems to be under some sort of digital control by the government surveillance state. The biggest change is allowing you to recruit anyone to the team to help you accomplish your goals. Granny included. Watch Dogs Legion is set to release on PS4, PC and Xbox One, March 6, 2020.
4) Animal Crossing’s New Horizons
Animal Crossing New Horizons is the first new game to release on console since Animal Crossing: City Folk. City Folk released on the Nintendo Wii back in 2012. New Horizons looks to take you on your own island adventure that will have you building your new town as you see fit. Make sure you are able to pay your debts to Tom Nook. The release date is set of March 20, 2020.
5) Elden Ring
Elden Ring was a game that was actually anticipated to be shown at E3 this year, but no one really knew how it would look or what it was called. Behold at Xbox’s briefing, the game was teased in a CGI trailer showing what looks like a dark, broken world. The game was inspired by the minds of George R R Martin and Hidetaka Miyazaki. While not a lot is known about Elden Ring, it is hard to imagine Game of Thrones and Dark Souls would not be a beautiful friendship.
6) Ghostwire Tokyo
Ghost Wire Tokyo was another game that presented itself with a CGI trailer. The big pull from this game is that it is being developed by Tango Gameworks, the studio founded by Shinji Mikami. The game sets the stage in Tokyo, where things seem to be operating as normal. Shops are open, restaurants are serving patrons and others are along their ways. As the scenes continue to unfold, people start to disappear in a rapture-like way. Clothing drops straight to the ground, several individuals start to look confused, including a mother who was literally just holding her daughter’s hand. Eventually, most, if not all vanish. The ending concludes with an individual walking in the darkness very akin to Ronin’s scene in The Avengers: Endgame. The footage indicates possibly melee and magic based abilities, but nothing is confirmed. One of the final scenes states to the viewers “, Do not fear the unknown. Attack it.”
7) Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Star Wars is long overdue for a great game with a solid single player game. The past few years, fans have been able to play the ever beautiful Battlefront games or other small mobile games, but nothing that stuck as a solid single-player experience. Respawn Entertainment looks to deliver this with the release of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Taking place between the events of Episode 3 and 4, you play the role of Cal Kestis, a young padawan who is forced to hide his link to the force. This is due to the empire was actively seeking out Jedi to ensure they were exterminated from the galaxy. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is set to release on PS4, PC and Xbox One, November 15, 2019.
8) Luigi’s Mansion 3
Luigi’s Mansion series is not only beloved but Luigi’s most successful spinoff game. This time around, Luigi’s Mansion 3 looks to add cooperative play to allow you and a friend to uncover the secrets embedded in the spooky hotel. Luigi is aided by the use of a ghost-sucking backpack that provides a multitude of benefits. Essentially Luigi is a Nintendo Ghostbuster. Luigi’s Mansion is expected to release Q4 2019.
9) Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is looking to deliver on a sorely missed section of gaming: a good Marvel game. Sure Spider-Man was released on PlayStation 4 last year, but it was limited in what it covered in the Marvel universe, and recently Marvel Heroes Omega was shut down due to internal issues that caused the House of Mouse to end it. The great thing about the game is that it looks to cover ALL of Marvel, including that of the recently acquired Fox movie properties. In fact, Magneto looks to take a major role in the game, on the good side for once. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is releasing July 19th, 2019 on Nintendo Switch and PC.
10) Gears 5
Gears of War is one of the most beloved franchises in gaming. The series continues to show it’s grittiness with the release of Gears 5. The game looks to take a turn from being about the Fenix clan, to focus on another character, Kait Diaz. Kate continuously waking from nightmares about who her true identity is. This creates the task of trying to uncover the past. Despite having a solid showing at this years E3, Gears 5 still makes our list. Gears 5 is set to release on Xbox One and PC on September 10, 2019.