Top 10 Games

Pro Consumer Changes Inbound To Gears 5

The Coalition released Gears Of War 4 with RNG packs which were pretty much the equivalent of loot boxes. Although I’m not the biggest fan of the Gears franchise, I know a number of fans were extremely upset with these changes.  The Coalition has now listened to their community post E3 and made many huge adjustments for Gears 5.

RNG Packs
The “Evil”

All DLC maps will now be free for online matchmaking and private play. Gears 5 will also get rid of RNG packs and the season pass altogether. Gear packs will be replaced by the all-new Tour of Duty system.  This entire system promotes earnable content with specific paths to obtain it.  Future in-game store purchases will have a direct payment path for the item you want and not an RNG value on any item you desire. In my opinion, this is a fantastic step in the right direction. The Coalition is making many pro-consumer decisions and Gears fans should be excited to see what’s next for the future of the franchise.

See More: Earning Gears 5 content

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