Playstation 5

Sony: PlayStation 5 set for holiday 2020 release

While it isn’t the holidays just yet, it seems Sony wants to give an early Christmas present for eager PlayStation fans surrounding their upcoming next-gen console. In an article by Wired, Sony states they have their eyes set for late 2020 to release what is officially called PlayStation 5.

In the coverage, readers get a first take on the PlayStation 5’s controller build, some more tech talk for the console, and even a hint of a PlayStation 5 exclusive. Here’s a breakdown of the article:

  • PlayStation 5 will be out holidays 2020
  • The console will come with a solid-state drive as opposed to a spinning hard drive, allowing for faster data read speeds and more space for developers to use, whether it’s a more detailed world or “shrink the size of the games or patches.”
  • On PS5, Mark Cerny, Lead System Architect of the PS4, says, “There is ray-tracing acceleration in the GPU hardware.”
  • PS5 physical discs will have 100GB read through a 4K Blu-ray player
  • While game installation is mandatory, players can fragment the install data to favor singleplayer, multiplayer, or both and delete one after you’re satisfied with either.
  • A revamped UI will make getting into games and viewing your progression of those games more intuitive. Mark Cerny explains, “Multiplayer game servers will provide the console with the set of joinable activities in real-time. Single-player games will provide information like what missions you could do and what rewards you might receive for completing them—and all of those choices will be visible in the UI. As a player, you just jump right into whatever you like.”
  • The new DualShock controller is similar in design to the DualShock 4, but will have adaptive triggers, haptic feedback, improved speakers, USB Type-C support, better battery, and will be heavier than DualShock 4, but lighter than an Xbox One controller with batteries in it.
  • When testing the new controller, the Wired reporter mentioned, “I ran a character through a platform level featuring a number of different surfaces, all of which gave distinct—and surprisingly immersive—tactile experiences,” noting that going on ice felt like their character was gliding and walking on a wooden bridge provided that bouncy sensation.
  • Bluepoint Games is working on a PS5 title and president of the studio Marco Thrush says it’s “a big one right now.” Other studios have received PS5 developer kits, but no one is ready to talk right now. The new controller was recently given to developers.


PlayStation 5

With talks of the new controller, speedy load times, and additional tech that seems to prioritize immediacy, it’s looking like one of Sony’s selling points for the PS5 is immersion. It is, after all, why we love games so much; to be lost in the rules and fantasy of another world.

One of the key factors in setting immersion is manipulating the senses. With their improved controller, Sony is doubling down on touch to make those visual and sound spectacles become even better personal experiences. Sony didn’t touch on the next-gen console’s launch lineup yet, so gamers are going to have their eyes peeled for what’s coming.  Hopefully, it can top the PS4’s.

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[See More: Playstation 5 vs Xbox Scarlett Just Facts No Rumors]

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