DualShock 4 Back Attachment | Top 5 Games of the Decade | ILP 2019 Year In Review
Welcome to another new episode of The Iron Lord Podcast. On today’s show, the Lords are joined by Stream Team Lead @Snalydo & @LordZeroILP. The Lords discuss the DualShock 4 Back Attachment; top 5 games of the decade; ILP 2019 Year in Review and our favorite ILP moments this year. ILP 139 is in the books!
Starting on January 5th, the Lords are saying bye-bye to football season and going back to the regular start time at 1 PM EST!
0:00- It’s a year in review show so basic “Lordly Introductions” & no starting guests this week!
06:25- Lord @KingDavidOTW is up with some #CombatTalk !
18:40- End of #CombatTalk timestamp for the haterade Lords!
19:20- Lord Snalydo (@Snalydo) & Lord Zero (@LordZeroILP) join the realm!
29:35- The Lords go over last week’s results for the Official ILP Twitter Poll!
30:55- The Lords discuss the new DualShock 4 back button controller attachment for the PS4!
50:10- The Lords debate first on the Top 5 INFLUENTIAL Games of the Decade!
01:28:15- The Lords give their PERSONAL Top 5 Games of the Decade!
02:15:30- The Lords talk about their favorite moments from the ILP shows this year!
02:29:10- The Lords do their Year-End Outros! (No poll this week)
You can also check out ILP 139 on Itunes / Google Play / Spotify / SoundCloud
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