
Nintendo Switch Ends 2019 With Domination In Hardware And Software

The holiday season is one of the most interesting times for sales data in regards to the gaming industry. With people buying gifts of consoles and software at higher volumes than other periods in the year. It is always interesting to see what consoles and games consumers are purchasing in mass volumes. As always a big thank you to Mat Piscatella and the NPD group for the hard work they do in regard to sales data.

The Holiday Hardware Winner

The Nintendo Switch closes out 2019 as the overall winner of best selling hardware not only for the month of December but also for the entire year of 2019. The Switch continues to defy expectations and has quickly become a sales juggernaut. If Nintendo can keep giving people reasons to purchase a Switch the console could easily become one of the top 5 best selling consoles of all time.

PlayStation: A Decade of Greatness

The PlayStation 4 is the best selling console of the decade, which is a huge feat for Sony considering all the hiccups the company had with the PlayStation 3. The PlayStation 4 shows the brand finding their stride again, while the PlayStation 4 will never pass the 150+ million sales of the PlayStation 2. It is no doubt that PlayStation 4 had an incredible generation in regards to both software and hardware.

Top 20 Best Selling Software of December

  1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019
  2. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
  3. Madden NFL 20
  4. NBA 2K20
  5. Luigi’s Mansion 3
  6. Pokemon Sword
  7. Mario Kart 8
  8. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  9. Pokemon Shield
  10. Minecraft
  11. Grand Theft Auto V
  12. Red Dead Redemption II
  13. FIFA 20
  14. Just Dance 2020
  15. Need for Speed: Heat
  16. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  17. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
  18. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
  19. Super Mario Party
  20. Ring Fit Adventure

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare continues to be unstoppable, while Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order continues to have amazing legs maintaining its #2 spot on the list. Nintendo wins big again as they are responsible for 10 of the 20 top-selling games of this month. Nintendo IPs still stand on a stage all on their own in terms of sales trends and the holiday season catapulted them to even more success.

Top 10 Best Selling Games of 2019

  1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019
  2. NBA 2k20
  3. Madden NFL 20
  4. Borderlands 3
  5. Mortal Kombat 11
  6. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
  7. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  8. Kingdom Hearts III
  9. Tom Clancy’s The Division 2
  10. Mario Kart 8

This year was a huge year in terms of game releases, but some things will never change. The domination stranglehold that Call of Duty has on the NPD sales charts every year is unprecedented. While many may say on social media that the franchise is dated and irrelevant, it still manages to be the best selling game in the US every year.

Top 10 best-selling Xbox One Games for December

  1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019
  2. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
  3. Madden NFL 20
  4. NBA 2K20
  5. Grand Theft Auto V
  6. Fifa 20
  7. Borderlands 3
  8. Need for Speed: Heat
  9. Red Dead Redemption II
  10. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Breakpoint


Top 10 best-selling PlayStation 4 games for December

  1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019
  2. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
  3. Madden NFL 20
  4. NBA 2K20
  5. Need for Speed: Heat
  6. Grand Theft Auto V
  7. FIFA 20
  8. Death Stranding
  9. Marvel’s Spider-Man
  10. The Outer Worlds

Top 10 best-selling Nintendo Switch games for December

  1. Luigi’s Mansion 3
  2. Pokemon Sword
  3. Mario Kart 8*
  4. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate*
  5. Pokemon Shield
  6. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild*
  7. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening*
  8. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe*
  9. Super Mario Party
  10. Ring Fit Adventure


What do you think of these numbers? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to check back for the latest gaming news and information.


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