PlayStation Magazine Leak Suggests PS5 Event Incoming

PSM UK Cover

On Monday, images leaked promoting the June issue of the Official UK PlayStation Magazine. The cover of issue 175, features the new Dual Sense PlayStation 5 controller. Which isn’t news. However, the leaked cover notes updates on already announced PS5 games as well as a Horizon Zero Dawn sequel. Another leaked image appears to be an ad for the upcoming issue. Marked with an image of “On sale June 2nd” the ad reads,

It’s coming. The next gen starts next issue as we reveal the latest games coming to PlayStation 5, and how they’ll play.

This leak was corroborated by the upcoming indie PS5 game, Quantum Error Twitter accounts. On Monday, the account confirmed their interview in the upcoming release of the PlayStation Magazine. Alongside Quantum Error developers, the magazine teases new details on Mortal Shell and tech talk on the new Dual Sense controller. 

Quantum Error PSM Tweet


These PlayStation Magazine leaks line up with an assumed PlayStation 5 digital event in May. The idea is that 3rd party publishers like Ubisoft, Activision, and EA won’t be able to talk about their future plans until the new consoles formally exist and the NDA’s get lifted. Those agreements would absolutely have to end prior to the announced June 9th E3 date. Where publishers showcase all of their upcoming releases. These agreements are most likely not getting pulled due to Covid-19, they are converting to digital-only events.

News outlet IGN recently announced that 2K, Sega, Devolver Digital, and Square Enix will be some of the names to present news at their E3 replacement show. These publishers would not be able to go into specific details about their PS5 games without Sony’s approval. With this, everything now points towards Sony showing us the PlayStation 5 hardware and games very soon.


PlayStation Magazine UK 175

Update: The following statement was made by the official OPM Twitter account in response to community questions.

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