Halo Infinite

Joseph Staten Returns To Work On Halo Infinite


There have been many questions raised in regards to what is going on at 343 Industries. After various rumors about mismanagement, unhappy employees, and more. Bundle this along with the surprise delay of Halo Infinite to 2021. What are you left with? A lot of questions, however, a new Bloomberg report sheds some light on what Microsoft is doing to get the ship back on course.

In a new report from Jason Schreier and Dina Bass on Bloomberg. It appears that Halo veteran Jason Staten will be returning to 343. As per the report, this is part of a massive shuffling of leadership in order to get Halo Infinite on track. This will also see another senior leader from Microsoft join 343. These new personnel will work closely with 343’s studio head Chris Lee. While both will report directly to Bonnie Ross as per an employee. We will no doubt be getting more official information about this shuffle very soon. It will be interesting to see who the mystery addition could be as well. What will this mean for the future of Halo Infinite? It is to soon to tell, all we can hope is that the team at 343 is on the right track. Here’s hoping that whenever we see Halo Infinite again, it blows our mind.

What do you think of this reorganization? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to check back for the latest gaming news and information.

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