xbox series xs enhancements

Xbox Series XS Enhancements News Coming Soon


During the latest Xbox Live’s Major Nelson Podcast, Larry Hyrb invited Director of Program Management at Team Xbox, Jason Ronald who is a technical lead on Xbox Series X to talk about what’s in store for Xbox Series S & Series X. Specifically they talked about Xbox Series XS enhancements.

To no one’s surprise, Jason confirmed that they are working on a number of improvements to the system. Things like Quick Resume and Smart Delivery being available for more games but also backward compatibility. More news about that should be coming very soon.

To top this up, Larry Hryb confirmed that he will guest Jason once again on the show very soon and later added that “there will be some enhancement news coming soon”. He spoke about it around 41:00 into the below video.

This started a lot of speculation about what kind of enhancements he was referring to with backward-compatible games enhancements being the most obvious.

We all still remember how Jason Ronald spoke of the new Xbox Series X BC technology that they created. It allows doubling of the frame rate in selected Xbox One 30 FPS locked games. We have even been shown a demo of Fallout 4 running side by side in both 30 & 60 FPS on Xbox Series S.

Could this news be about this particular technology? I guess we will have to wait and see but it sounds like it’s will not be a long wait.



SOURCE: Xbox Wire

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