Opinion: Sick of Destiny 2? Try Warframe!


A couple of days ago, Bungie released a “State of the Game” for their marque title, Destiny 2. This blog post has been met with an overwhelmingly negative response from its community. As players would have loved to hear about an invigoration for the Gambit game mode but was met with confirmation that they are abandoning it. As well as more meaningful content being added to the Crucible PvP playlist. But was met with so very little to look forward to in that regard.

This all followed the release of Lightfall, an expansion that devastated the community initially. While also following it up with a few seasons for the game that its fanbase has somewhat enjoyed. But for longtime players of the series, the trifecta of what seems like disappointment has disheartened them.

As someone who stepped away from the series last year personally, I understand the frustration and the necessity of a break. One alternative I would personally recommend is Warframe. If you are needing something else to try? Here is everything you need to know about the game!

A Truly Free-to-Play Game

Warframe is a game that is actually free-to-play, with many years of free content updates. Including the recently released The Duviri Paradox expansion. This is an expansion that added a rogue-lite game mode. As well as a new cinematic quest, and a new open world with combat that is drastically different from Warframe. There are several planets with unique biomes and fun game modes to engage in as well.

Warframe has over fifty warframes to earn in game. Every warframe functions similarly to subclasses from Destiny. But how they differentiate from each other are their shield and health stats. As well as how energy fuels abilities that are able to be used repeatedly. There are hundreds of actually unique weapons that all work differently from one another. In fact, in The Duviri Paradox there are new add-ons to certain weapons that fundamentally change how they function. Adding even more variety to the gunplay.

The load-outs for every warframe even feature a melee weapon on top of two guns you can equip. This allows players to fight how they want to. Stealthy like a ninja, or guns and abilities blazing. The game also features a fair monetization model.

The Business Model of Warframe

Warframe is free-to-play so there are microtransactions, but it is limited to just currency to spend on cosmetics and certain buyable starter packs. You can buy warframes and weapons, but the cost for each one is high enough to drive people to grind and enjoy the content that is there. There are no quarterly season passes with missable story beats you “just have to be there” to grind away in-between expansions. As a matter of fact, battle passes in the game are also free and offer cosmetics and meaningful rewards.

Expansions in Warframe are just content updates with long-form meaningful activities. Such as the rogue-lite game mode in The Duviri Paradox and Veilbreaker adding raid-like bosses with guaranteed gems to slot into warframes. There are so many content updates and their own grinds, but considering the content is free, they are always optional. You are also free to go at your own pace considering they have never sunsetted any content. The developers, Digital Extremes are also very communicative.

Clear and Open Personal Communication

Digital Extremes hosts monthly “Devstreams” where they go over any and all upcoming changes and content additions. Before a brief two-month pause for their upcoming TennoCon, which is their annual fanfest that celebrates not only the fans and the game. But also shows off upcoming content. All of this is done in actual livestream format with real people who actually play the game and can explain their mindsets behind the changes.

Warframe is a drastically different game to Destiny 2, no doubt. But as someone who has played for 6 years off and on between content updates. I can tell you right now, the experience of playing the game and keeping up with it is not a “fear of missing out” driven approach. Digital Extremes wants to continue building the game and having the content available for players new and old available to enjoy.

If you want something that is actually free-to-play and offers so much free content to enjoy, definitely try Warframe, it only gets better and better. The state of the game is the best it has been in for a very long time, and with TennoCon right around the corner, the future for its content delivery will be even brighter.

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