Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I. – Are You Scared?


Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I. was recently released on September 28th, 2023. Fans of the paranormal and investigation genres should be interested in this. Also, if you like to get spooked Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I. might be for you.

About The Game

The description D&A Studios provided about Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I. is a first-person single-player ghost-hunting simulation. Start a paranormal investigative career from your office in the town of New Eidolon. Initially, the locations to investigate are limited, but by becoming more successful as a paranormal investigator you will be invited to new locations. Each new investigation randomly spawns a different type of ghost, and each ghost has unique behaviors that could vary your approach to investigating. In general, an investigation will take less than an hour to obtain satisfactory evidence.

During investigations, you’re equipped with an Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Meter, a High-Tech Thermometer, an Audio Recorder, a Camera, and your trusty Flashlight. You will use your equipment to narrow down the haunted locations within the property and slowly obtain evidence. You can finalize your investigation as soon as you become suspicious of paranormal activity but doing so without substantial evidence will severely underwhelm the homeowner and prevent invitations to new locations. The best outcome for an investigation is to spend time obtaining as much evidence as possible with the various pieces of equipment you have.

Features To Expect

Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I. has some cool features in the game and this is what you can expect:

  • Investigative Note System: The only ghost investigation game available that lets you truly investigate a location and ghost’s life story aiding in eliminating the haunting. Utilize your office PC to perform pre-investigation work and take notes prior to visiting locations. This includes reviewing property owners’ emails, available archival information, and historical documentation on specific locations. The notes you take affect the outcome of an investigation.
  • Archival Clues: Find clues at locations that will be added to your archive of information, to better understand the location’s history and allow you to investigate them more thoroughly.
  • Authentic Tools: Use familiar tools in a way consistent with paranormal investigations.
  • Immersive environments: Locations are meticulously detailed and have objects that observant investigators will be able to debunk as normal events.
  • Ghost AI: Don’t be too startled if you catch a glimpse of a ghost walking through a room barely in view. Locations can have several ghosts haunting them and they will do so if you are aware or not. It is up to you to find them and collect the evidence.
  • Lore: Ghost lore and the portrayal of apparitions within Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I. try their best to align with the “real-life” current thoughts of paranormal research.
  • Releasing and Exorcisms: As you learn more about the ghosts’ stories you will obtain information needed to peacefully release them into the afterlife. Or, in the case of Demons, exorcise them back to hell.

Final Thoughts

This is just a short piece to get you on the hook. I will be providing my impressions in the near future for Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I. These types of games aren’t normally in my wheelhouse. I am however going to step out of my comfort zone with this and put on my paranormal investigator outfit. You can check this game out for yourself on Steam for 14.99 USD.

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