Gray Zone Thumb Nail

Gray Zone Warfare | Sneak Peek Launch


Lord PeteyTV is here to tell you about this exclusive sneak peek of a game called Gray Zone Warfare from Madfinger Games. Rick Lagnese came to me and informed me of this new game they were making and how it might catch my thirst for an FPS. After seeing this trailer, I felt like I could not wait to be fully immersed in the game. I love playing FPS games and the reality they are trying to make is accepted by me as right now the market feels incomplete without one.

Please watch the video below with it having a message from Rick and also the trailer for the game. Check the video below!

First Look at Gray Zone Warfare

Madfinger Games is showing us a huge amount of potential from Gray Zone Warfare. If it interests you be sure to wishlist on pick it up on Steam or follow them on Twitter.  Our full impressions are in the video below. While you’re here, be sure to check out other first looks by LordPeteyTV right here or on YouTube.

Does it seem like your kind of game? Sound off in the comment section below! As always, be sure to check back to Lords of Gaming for all your gaming and entertainment news, analysis, and reviews. Check out the game on Steam now!

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