Nintendo Switch Online

How to Share Nintendo Switch Screenshots


Taking in-game screenshots became a universal console feature last generation when the Nintendo Switch released. Players can share them across social media and directly to their phones. While Xbox and PlayStation use similar methods, sharing Switch screenshots uses a unique system, explained below:

Step One: Select the Screenshot(s) You Want to Share from Your Album

From your Switch home screen, select the Album section. It shows as the icon with a photo drawing. Album stores all in-game captures on the Switch. Move the cursor over the screenshot you want to share, and press the A button to view it. From there, press A again for “Sharing and Editing.”

A screenshot of the Switch's Homepage. The album section is highlighted.

You’ll have five options on the “Sharing and Editing” page. To share to social media, choose “Post”, or as another option clearly says, “Send to Smartphone.” Regardless of which one you choose, you’ll be asked either “Only This One” or “Send a Batch.”

When sending to your phone, you can send up to ten captures, but to social media, only four captures. Additionally for social media posts, you can only share from the same “software” like a game (Tears of the Kingdom), the home screen, etc..

If you choose

Step Two: Connect to the Switch’s Limited Wi-Fi Connection

When sending screenshots directly to your phone, the Switch shows you two QR codes. The first QR code connects your phone to the Switch with a temporary Wi-Fi network. The second one sends you a link to the images on your phone, but does not appear until your phone connects. You can download them to your phone from there.

If the page won’t load, check your phone’s data. We don’t know how to explain it, but most issues we’ve had came when the data was still turned on. Turn off your data while connected to the Switch’s network, and refresh the link. You should now see the screenshots on your phone.

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