The Game Awards 2023

The Game Awards 2023: Sega Announces Five New Games


The Game Awards are back. A one-night-only celebration of all things gaming live from the Peacock Theater in downtown Los Angeles. Today, December 7th, the best games from the year will be recognized and a ton of game announcements will be made. With that, we have a look at Five brand new games from Sega.


That is right, Sega showed quick snippets from five brand new video games. Sega is making new entries in five of its classic franchises. The list includes Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, and Crazy Taxi. For those that follow our content, you will know about the upcoming Jet Set Radio game. However, what we could not have guessed was that Sega is emptying the tank. We can’t wait to see how these new entries come out. It is clear that Sega is going with many smaller titles here in scope as opposed to brand new AAA releases.


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