Warframe Devstream 176 Breakdown


The latest Devstream for Warframe has wrapped up on all of their official channels. This Devstream was the first of the new year and focused on the next major update for the game. As well as a look at some new stuff regarding Soulframe. From the next warframe, to new weapons and expansion onto Whispers in the Walls. Here is everything from Devstream 176!

The Return of Star Days

Star Days will be returning for all players to participate in the Valentines Day themed event. It starts on the first of next month. We at Lords of Gaming have a Guide on the event, so if you would like to prepare ahead of time. Please visit it here!

Next, they announced that Qorvex and Dagath are now available for Tennogen artists. As well as making a guide for the Entrati style for Tennogen. You can find the guide here if you are interested as an artist.

They then announced that the awesome music for the Gauss Prime trailer is now available for everyone to listen to. You can do so here, or below.

Creative Director Rebecca Ford also reiterated that Cross Save is still ongoing and available for everyone. They also confirmed that the mobile version of Warframe is going to be done by Nitro Games. The mobile version is still slated for this year, but no official release month.

These were the smaller bits of news, but the star of the show which hilariously the slide for the update got shown before they talked about. That being “Dante Unbound” which will be an update similar to Seven Crimes of Kullervo but for Whispers in the Walls.

Dante Unbound Details for Warframe

Dante Unbound will be a major content update that expands upon everything within Whispers in the Walls. This includes the titular warframe being added to appropriately named Dante. Dante will have an exalted Tome weapon named Noctua and his abilities will be about cutting enemies and corrupting them. His fourth ability will synergize with his second and third ability. His design looks very unique, and he will have a similar floating movement style to Wisp.

There are no more details at this time, but they will showcase him more in the next Devstream. He will also arrive with two new weapons. A wrist cannon incarnon weapon named Onos, that turns into an arm cannon similar to Shedu. As well as a pair of fist incarnon melee weapon called Ruvox that turns into claws.


There will also be new additions to the Entrati Labs. Namely a new disruption activity with a twist that includes a new enemy called the Gruzzler. The Gruzzler will try to steal conduit keys and other loot and run away. Ontop of this will be an estimated twelve new rooms being added into the tileset, including the area where we saw the train fly through before the Warframe: 1999 segment in the quest.

There will also be an addition to the Archon Shard fusion system. It will allow you to fuse four shards together to create a Tauforged shard. It is not confirmed, but it seems like you should be able to make a Tauforged mixed color shard, like the Emerald, or Amber shards with it. Finally, there will be a new variant of the Netracells being added. This will add a guaranteed legendary Arcane like Arcane Duplicate ontop of the normal reward. They are also looking into tuning the drop rates for everything to feel more rewarding.

There were also a whole slew of other additions and changes announced for Dante Unbound.

Other Dante Unbound Details

Styanax Deluxe will arrive with Dante Unbound. The Design reminds me of Lotus Amaga:

Styanax Deluxe Concept

An Inaros Rework will also come with Dante Unbound. They are also adding dedicated hug buttons for each of the Cavia as requested by the community. You cannot, however, hug loid. There will also be a whole slew of Somachords coming with Dante Unbound, as well as Varzia selling music from the Prime warframe trailers for regular Aya, not Regal. The Global Illumination technology will be rolling out to player Orbiters. Kubrow Fur will be getting a visual overhaul. In addition to “sticky corners” being removed from the game, this will allow players to not get stuck on random objects.

Ten new augments for warframe’s will be arriving in the update. No details on which ones yet. There will now be variety for Steel Path bounties, and Steel Path Incursions. Players can also expect to see Axi relic fissures in newer areas like the Entrati Labs. Finally, they will be reducing the amount Debt Bonds and Gyromags needed to progress in Fortuna’s factions. As well as ensuring that progress earned in The Circuit will be saved periodically to avoid devastating host migration moments. I do hope they eventually bring this to other activities in the game.

They also stated that Mirage’s Eclipse ability being inconsistent will be addressed and requested that players give them feedback to find the right solution.

News for Soulframe 

Creative Director for Soulframe, Geoff Crookes and Digital Extremes CEO Steve Sinclair ended the stream with news for their upcoming MMORPG Soulframe. They are still rolling out invites for the Preludes to new players, but it will be some time before it is available for everyone. They did however show off new characters, artwork and weapons for all players:

  • There was a Beaver shown, and apparently might have story significance similar to the game’s mascot “Avacott”.
  • They also showed off a Bow weapon that you can use as a melee weapon if enemies are not far away.
  • There was a new important Omen beast similar to the Wolf, shown called Bromius, and he is a bear.
  • They also showed off a new Cleaver weapon and Crossbow.
  • A new enemy type was shown that is not part of the main enemy faction. As well as a new heavy enemy from the Ode.
  • There was a lot of ancestor rooms shown that will be part of your Night Tent.
  • Finally, they showed you can scratch the Wolfs stomach when it is sleeping in your Tent.

But this is all from Devstream 176 for Warframe with some new stuff for Soulframe. If you would like to watch the full stream for any and all minute details, you can do so here.

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