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Breachway | Impressions w/ Lord PeteyTV


Lord PeteyTV is here again hot from playing games from Steam Next Fest and one of the biggest impressions for me was from publisher Hooded Horse. Developer Edgeflow Studios created Breachway, an interesting game about trying to survive in open space with very little.

In the game, you are a captain of a ship. You are sent through space on a mission to save the world. What makes this game different from other turn-based space games is the 3D look of the ships. Not only that but the amazing detail on the cards as well. If you are wondering what cards I am talking about these are the combat cards that you hold in your hand. These cards allow you to attack shields and even defend in specific ways to so you can survive across galaxies. If you want to find out more? Check the video below!

Impressions of Breachway Demo

Edgeflow Studios has done a great job with Breachway. The feeling of each decision matters is right at my fingertips every second. Please pick it up now on Steam! Our full impressions are in the video below. While you’re here, be sure to check out other first looks by LordPeteyTV right here.

What did you think about the impression video above? Does it seem like your kind of game? Sound off in the comment section below! As always, check out Lords of Gaming for all your gaming and entertainment news, analysis, and reviews. Check out the game on Steam!

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