Warframe: Dante Build and Impressions

Dante Unbound has been live for a few days now in Warframe. Bringing with it a new game mode, and a couple of new Incarnon weapons. But the star of update is Dante himself. Dante, for lack of better terms is unbelievable. He, with the right build can be the saving grace of your squad, and a crowd exterminator. Here is the build that I found that makes him into such a beast.

Dante Build and Impressions for Warframe

Starting off will be the build I have for Dante himself:

Next, is his titular weapon, Noctua:

And finally, the Archon Shards I chose for his build. You may use more Tauforged if you have them available:

I went for a build that heavily stacks into power strength without sacrificing too much efficiency or duration for the Noctua replicant and owls. Range in my experience has not been a boon worthy enough to sacrifice more power strength. Power strength controls all of his kit, including Noctua. Which has the capability to hit up to a 100k or more per shot. This is done easily with arcane precision which does effect Noctua. Especially when you summon the extra Noctua with the verse mix.

With this build I am also able to get up to 40k overguard and hit for almost one million with final verse utilizing two dark verses. Each dark verse also causes a lot of bleed damage with this build and being able to cast faster with the amber archon shards and cast more with the efficiency and Energy Nexus keeping energy regen going? This build will make Netracells, Archon Hunts and anything else a breeze.

Dante has been a genuine surprise that is almost scary to embrace fully. His kit far outclasses many of my favorite frames and I fear a nerf or two might knock him down to “balanced” status. But overall, he’s good, he does not need any health or shield mods or even a subsume because his kit works in tandem with everything else.

But this is my build for Dante, I hope this helps you, Tenno!