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The Sacred Symbols Aligning – PlayStation Gets New Leadership


Hemming the PlayStation ship throughout the PS5 generation, Jim Ryan did quite a bit for the brand. Successfully launching a new platform during a pandemic and a multi-media push boosting game sales are major accomplishments. But failings such as studio closures, layoffs and decisions the community did not favor tarnish his legacy.

Due to these factors and likely more, Jim Ryan is stepping down and replacing him are joint CEO’s.

PlayStation 5

A New Era for PlayStation

Announcing the news on Sony Interactive Entertainment’s website, interim CEO Hiroki Totoki states the following;

To continue this growth and momentum, we are moving forward with a new management structure for SIE. Effective June 1, Hideaki Nishino will be appointed CEO of SIE’s Platform Business Group, and Hermen Hulst will be appointed CEO of SIE’s Studio Business Group.

Hiroki explains the following regarding the new roles Hideaki and Hermen will fulfill;

Nishino-san will continue his role leading the Platform Experience Group, overseeing technology, products, services, and platform experience. He will also oversee third party publisher and developer relations and commercial operations, including sales and marketing of hardware, services, and peripherals.

Hermen will continue to lead the SIE Studios business, including PlayStation Studios, Bungie, and PlayStation Productions. He will be responsible for the development, publishing, and business operations of SIE’s first party content as well as IP expansion opportunities through PlayStation Productions.

Using a dual-leadership set up, PlayStation is ensuring both sides of the brand are taken care of.

Why is Jim Ryan Leaving?

It is no secret that Jim Ryan has accomplished a lot for PlayStation, but he was not a ‘gaming inclined’. The man made many questionable statements over the years, including but not limited to;

“We have always said that we believe in generations…”

“Why would anyone play this?”

Before Jim Ryan left the company, he said the following comments;

He said, “I’ve had the chance to have a job I love at a really exceptional firm. Working with amazing colleagues and incredible partners.”

“I’ve had the honor of working on products that have changed the lives of millions of people across the globe. PlayStation will always hold a special place in my heart, and I’m more hopeful than ever about the future of SIE,” he added.

Positive Change

A creative like Hermen Holst could ensure not only future PlayStation Studios titles get the funding they need but that brand’s legacy is honored.

In addition, since Hermen would directly be in charge, pitching titles and green-lighting projects could be a more streamlined process. Regarding his prior roles within PlayStation. He worked on multiple Killzone titles and the Horizon franchise, major IP for the company.

Alongside Hermen’s efforts, Nishino-san being in charge of the hardware is an interesting choice. PlayStation has been making strides into getting on other platforms as of late. In addition, support for hardware like the PS VR2 is noticeably lacking. So his role could potentially be refocusing efforts and streamlining future hardware production.

Hardware Successes for PlayStation

Joining the announcement of new leadership, is a major record-breaking number. Reported by Video Games Chronicle, the PlayStation 5 console has sold amazingly well recently.

Sony reported today that it shipped 4.5 million PS5 units during the three months ended in March, taking its lifetime total to 59.3 million.

This success is in stark contrast with Xbox Series consoles;

Having both launched in November 2020, PS5 had outsold Xbox Series X/S by around 2-to-1 as of the end of last year, according to data shared in February by Grand Theft Auto publisher Take-Two.

During 2023 alone, PS5 sales outpaced Xbox Series X/S by almost 3-to-1, according to estimates by research firm Ampere Analysis.

Taste of the Other Side

Despite completely eclipsing the Xbox console sales, PlayStation has had a taste of success on other platforms. As reported by Video Games Chronicle, PlayStation’s first PS5 and PC day-and-date launch has done insane numbers;

Sony says its live service game hit Helldivers 2 is now PlayStation’s fastest-selling game launch ever, with sales “far exceeding expectations” at 12 million copies sold across PC and PS5 in its first 12 weeks.

The sales mean that the title, which was launched earlier this year, beat the 11 million copies in 10 weeks achieved by God of War Ragnarok last year, it said.

Even considering recent issues with the PC market, PlayStation continuing to invest in the PC platform is a surefire bet at this point. While not nearly as aggressive when compared to Microsoft’s efforts, both companies are doing the same thing in expanding new markets.

With the Switch 2 potentially rivaling the Series S specs, maybe PlayStation might test the waters bringing smaller titles on that console in the future.

Concerns for the Future of PlayStation

Even with all the success on the hardware front and new leadership inspiring success. There is a concern for game sales on PlayStation.

IGN reports the following regarding PlayStation game sales;

Countering this, however, is the expected negative impact of a decrease in sales of first-party titles. Sony has indicated no new games from its major franchises will be released during the current financial year, ruling out new titles in the Spider-Man and God of War franchises.

This is further supported by major third party exclusives like Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth and Final Fantasy XVI selling below expectations. The reasoning for this could be many things.

Lack of funds from the consumer in a recession? The price of games being too step for the casual consumer? And subscriptions services like Game Pass devaluing day-one purchases?

The later seems to be a reason, going off of speculation surrounding the recent Xbox studio closures. But the price of games being high and a lack of presence in some regions like Japan likely are reasons for this.

Closing Thoughts

PlayStation is gearing up for a successful year but the dark storm cloud of a dangerous industry hovers over them, like other companies.

I may not be a die-hard PlayStation but changes like the ones made here, inspire some level of hope. And with no reporting of additional layoffs/studio closures following this news. A sigh of relief must be felt across not just the game industry but the studios within the PlayStation family.