Wayfinder To Change Business Model, Gameplay and Rewards Systems in Upcoming Echoes Update


Following the delisting of Founders Packs and Microtransactions on Steam and the PlayStation store. Airship Syndicate has announced today that on June 11th, there will be a soft re-launch for Wayfinder. This relaunch of the game will come with the “Echoes” update. But this is not just a simple soft rework to the game as a whole. There are a whole slew of fundamental changes coming to the game with this update. Here is everything you can expect in the update on June 11th.

Online Begone and Business Model Changes

One of the biggest changes coming in the Echoes update for Wayfinder is the option for offline play. The game is shifting permanently from a service-based game like it was before being delist. To one featuring offline, solo, or 3-player co-op play. This will remove the need for online accounts, logins, or in-game purchases. This change allows for better gameplay on devices like the Steam Deck and home PCs.

New Wayfinder Main Menu

However, considering the game will now be shifting from an MMORPG. All existing progress will be reset, since saves will now be local to your device instead of an online server. When Wayfinder relaunches on June 11th, it will still be in early access, but with some major changes.  During early access, it will now be priced at $24.99, with a price increase planned for the full release at the end of the year. This one-time price covers all content created until the leaving early access, with no microtransactions or other in-game purchases. Existing Founders maintain access and will receive all exclusive items originally included in their packs.

Wayfinder Mount
Wayfinder Mount

Ryan Stefanelli, President of Airship Syndicate had this to say on the shift in business models:

“We’ve seen a shift in the industry where players are OK paying for a premium title if it means respect for their time and wallets. It’s one we prefer ourselves, frankly, and we believe it’ll make the game much easier for people to enjoy. We hope this major change will entice players to come and see what we’ve built with Wayfinder, allowing us to support it long term.”

Airship Syndicate has also stated that this change will be more sustainable for them moving forward. But they are not just giving players the original game with an offline mode. They are going for bigger than that.

Wayfinder: From MMORPG to ARPG

Wayfinder will now be moving to a deeper ARPG experience. Significant improvements will be made to all major systems in the game. The Echoes Update will include four selectable difficulty levels, for a more traditional experience. As well as randomized weapon drops. Meaning that players will no longer have to worry about crafting pieces of weapons to use. But one major change will be the new collectible armor sets with unique stats. These will be replacing the previous Echoes system.

Coming alongisde these new armor sets. Will be streamlined character acquisition It is unclear as of right now if they need to be crafted or obtained through new quests. The Echoes update will also include Grendel. A character teased back during Tokyo Game Show 2023:

There will also be a new a new open world area three times larger than the current one, Evenor. This new open world area will be called Frostmarch and will look like this:

There will also be six new hunts added to the game. Which are boss takedowns in specific instances. They will be expanding the limits for housing items. As well as a slick new UI, and new traditional RPG talent systems. Game Director Steve Madureira had this to say on these major changes:

“When we settled on removing the online component, the team said “well, what else can we do?” We started brainstorming how to make Wayfinder more approachable and rewarding. I think the team did an amazing job bringing more traditional ARPG elements to the game, and the business model shift allowed us to do that. It’s a solid single player game with a lot of content, but it’s even better when playing co-op with friends”

But if you are a Founder, you may expect to play this a little sooner!

Release Dates for Founders, and Platform Updates

A soft launch of these changes is scheduled for May 31st on Steam, with all online requirements and player data being removed at this time. On May 31st, all existing Founders Packs on Steam can play the Echoes update. With the game being fully relisted on Steam for purchase on June 11th. Founders Packs owners on PlayStations 5 & 4 can continue playing as normal until the Echoes Update is released on PlayStation 5 this summer. However, if you are on the PlayStation 4 only, please be warned that with the release of the Echoes Update on PlayStation. Support for PlayStation 4 will be discontinued. But if you have been looking to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 in the future. All PlayStation 4 versions will be upgraded to PlayStation 5 copies at no additional cost.

For more information on why the PlayStation 4 version is going to be unsupported, Aj LaSaracina, Executive Producer of the game had this to say:

The PS4 version of Wayfinder will sunset upon release of the Echoes Update. While we hate doing that, it’s a necessity as the Echoes Update introduces a ton of optimizations and game changes that frankly the PlayStation 4 can’t handle and since we wouldn’t be proud to sell it in its current state and without any of those changes, we’re unable to bring it over.

Until the Echoes update arrives for PlayStation 5, however. PlayStation 4 and 5 users can continue playing the online Wayfinder without interruption. While players play in Early Access, they can expect the game to be updated with new Wayfinders. As well as new weapons and armor, new areas to explore, new quests and more. Similar to how they have handled the content in the original version of the game. Wayfinder will also becoming to Xbox Series X|S towards the end of 2024. At that point in time the game will leave Early Access and officially launch.

Below is a roadmap with a small breakdown of the timetable of platform releases:

Wayfinder Roadmap

To round up the news, Joe Madureira, CEO and Creative Director of Wayfinder had this to say:

“To our knowledge this hasn’t been done before- taking an online-only game fully offline, fundamentally changing all aspects of it. We’re in uncharted territory, and it’s a big risk for Airship to make this change, but it’s one we believe in. We’re incredibly proud of the work our crew has done in such a period of time to make it happen. Our players have loved the world and characters, and with their continued support, we can keep expanding the game in the future.”

But this what you can expect with the upcoming Echoes update on May 31st for Steam Founders Pack owners, and then June 11th and onward for anyone who is looking to purchase this renewed version of the game.

For any additional coverage in the coming weeks and month on Wayfinder. Stay tuned to their official Twitter and Twitch accounts for new announcements and streams. Or stay tuned here at Lords of Gaming.

Disclaimer – Airship Syndicate has provided game keys for coverage during the original Early Access launch. So, expect coverage starting on May 11th.