Destiny 2 Stealth Launches Outbreak Prime

Well, now that’s a surprise.

Something unexpected happened upon reset in Destiny 2, the stealth launch of a new exotic quest which puts players on the hunt for what is believed to be Outbreak Prime. Outbreak Prime was the reward for the successful completion of an infamous Destiny 1 puzzle. A puzzle that was solved by none other than Datto back when the Wrath of the Machine raid debuted during the Rise of Iron expansion back in 2016. Outbreak Prime was an exotic pulse rifle that produced swarms of SIVA nanites on a target after repeated hits. SIVA, the AI nanite swarm responsible for destroying the Iron Lords, has been a dormant force in the Destiny universe since the launch of Destiny 2 in 2017.

                                                           The Fallen Transponder map. Courtesy of r/raidsecrets

Thanks to the r/raidsecrets, Destiny players are already working their way through an extensive list of quest steps, which involve tracking down and solving six nodes as part of a Fallen Transponder. The Transponder can be discovered by completing the Heroic Adventure “Bad Neighbours” on Titan.  Feel free to delve through the reddit page if you are looking for a quick guide to the solutions to each, but suffice to say it ties into a long standing theory about something happening in the Farm. The Farm has long been a neglected social space, with no reason to return there once the main Destiny 2 campaign has been completed. Looks like its time on the sidelines is coming to an end.

Outbreak Prime had not been listed on the Season of the Drifter roadmap published by Bungie, and this feels more like the Whisper of the Worm quest than anything else that has come out during the Annual pass year. The Season of the Drifter has turned into a bit of a slog in recent weeks as The Revelry drew to a close and the Invitation of the Nine ground to a halt. This is exactly the kind of infusion of mystery Destiny needed, and it couldn’t have launched at a better time.

Eyes up, Guardian. The Tower needs you.

Featured image courtesy of Destiny Wiki

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