Division 2: State of the Game

Division 2 – State of the Game – What’s up with this raid?

This week on State of the Game, Community Manager Hamish Bode, and Community Developer Chris Gansler brought us information about the Dark Hours Raid and how Division 2 is progressing.

Raid – Update

  • PC was the first to complete the raid.
  • PS4 was the next to complete it.
  • Xbox was the last to complete it.
  • Adding Portraits for all the world first teams for each platform in the Base of Operations.
  • No plans to change difficulties. It is a “Fact” that playing on console is harder than on PC.


Bug Fixes – coming Thursday

  • Maintenance is occurring tomorrow. Unsure of time but it will last less than 3 hours.
  • Arm Patches are not being given, unless you complete it in one sitting.
  • Roosevelt Stronghold ropes not deploying on hard mode have been fixed.


Next Patch (3.1) is in process – unknown time for deployment

  • NPC aggression will be fixed. It apparently occurred with the raid patch.
  • Masks not properly fitting
  • Semi-Automatic guns not correctly having the correct Rate of fire
  • Weapons going invisible randomly when swapping
  • Weapons not doing damage after reload


Title Update 4 – is in the future!!!

  • New specialization

“I love how Massive/Division 2 is sticking with their decision of maintaining the difficulty of this raid. However, my fear is that they will have a loss in player base as the difficulty is not stable enough for the standard player. In addition to this, there could also be an issue of ostracizing console players with it being too hard. When I played the raid I learned that you needed to have your head on a swivel, ready to go, and this is not the case for console players. I am hoping they listen to the player base/community to allow the change, or even just lessen the amount of HP on Raid bosses Armor. ”

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