Division 2: State of the Game

The Division 2 – State of the Game – May 8th 2019

This week on State of the Game, Community Manager, Hamish Bode, and  Live Content Manager, Yannick Banchereau, brought to us a lot of information about the next update which is Title Update 3(TU3) and the Raid will fall shortly after this.

General Info

  • PTS – shutting down on 5-9-19
  • Regular Maintenance on the live game next week.
  • Pray for Capital random rotation (So you can get your last piece of Nemesis).
  • TU3 is on the way it will come next week followed by raid after that keep an eye on twitter for a release date.
  • Max gear score staying at 500 no more 515.
  • TU3 is causing changes to Dark Zone.
  • TU3 is going to change how gear is being distributed
  • Matchmaking in Australia is changing for the better to lessen time by staying in Australia as Per Australian request.
  • Neutral Lighting setting so people can see easier
  • Weird Bounty arms are now gone. (No more hands up for bounty people)
  • The game will look better with loading. (changed how It communicated with people’s PC for better viewing)
  • Preference changes also but too much to discuss.
  • Accommodation changes to all consecutive accommodations – they are being removed.
  • Post activity summery after missions. (YIPPIE!)
  • Gear Tweaking next week will be needed prior to raid release.

“These are all great improvements to the game. The ability to equalize to see how difficult a player will be vs myself in PVP in addition to in a Mission. and the Post Activity summary will show how I stand against the others on the mission.”

TU3 Patch Notes

  • Crafting – increased receiver and protective fabric capped at 600 to items.
  • Crafting – when crafting an exotic it will always max level
  • Gear sets – Changes for every gear sets they were underpowered. A handful of changes for each set.
  • Loot- Improved quality in clan caches
  • Loot – All Boss in Heroic, Challenge missions, Stronghold bosses, and Control point 4 you will get 500 gear scored items.
  • Loot – Lessen the chance of drops lower than your gear score.
  • Recalibration does not change gear score. You get a percent to see how optimized the Recalibration is for you.
  • Skill power mods will be dropping.
  • NPC balancing so you can not get one shot by a melee or a handful of shots.
  • Decreased throwing NPC grenades accuracy.
  • Control Points – are now shown how clear the difficulty is for you.
  • Control Points – Officer Might revive you if you are downed
  • Fast travel to Conveys also added
  • Weekly Projects – give blueprints.
  • PVE/PVP – Defense drone now drains faster when shot.
  • A lot of changes in Talents and such to follow. Too much to speak about on the show.
  • SHD Tech – Revive hive fixed, revive timer has increased.
  • SHD Tech-Based Duration of the riot foam has been increased.
  • SHD Tech – Scanner pulse reduced timer.
  • Exotics damages are increased.
  • Tack 50 Vision increased.

“The Crafting Fabric cap is meh I don’t really care much for it but the gear set changes to allow them to be more worth it is a plus. I find myself not using a gear set but a brand set because it is more powerful. The Control points showing how difficult they are are a mass improvement to gauge how I will go after them, and the officer being able to revive me is great just in case I get in a situation I can’t get out of.  The defense drone change is going to be a huge problem in PVP since you have some people who prefer to jump you from around a corner and you don’t have time to defend yourself. and the SHD Tech changes to Revive Hive are really going to change the tides in PVP but not in PVE.”

Dark Zone

  • When you hit 500 gear score all contaminated gear will be 500 gear.
  • Harder Landmarks mean more contaminated items.
  • Basic, Veteran, Elite has drop rate lowered but more likely contaminated loot.
  • Match Making changes into the DZ.
  • Bag Size is now 10
  • Bracketing Changes fewer brackets causing more quicker matchmaking into a Dark Zone.
  • Rogue removed CD.
  • Thieves den can change weapons and skills.
  • Occupied Dark Zone – Separate PVP modifier
  • XP Loss has been changed to lose less. (33% loss)
  • PVP – AR ‘s have increased 1.25 PVP damage scaled
  • PVP – Damage Modifier has been decreased for increased time to kill.

“The update to contaminated gear is going to Push PVP more. More people will be extracting people who don’t want to PVP causing them to not want to play. I don’t think this is a great idea since this will be the most effective way to get gear.”


  • Damage Boost reduced in Conflict
  • Armor Boost reduced in Conflict
  • Normalization will be Maxed Gear score

“This will still keep the games super fast paced with the winner whoever kills before the First boost is activated.”

“The TU3 is going to do great things for what the Division 2 is and hopefully going to bring more of the player base back since they have been bored of the same content since launch. I am happy to see the progress they are doing and how it will improve the gameplay. The forcing of all of the extractions in the DZ will definitely help push rogues to be around more often.”

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