Division 2: State of the Game

Division 2 State of the Game – Episode 2 = Title update 6


This week for the Division 2 State of the Game, Hamish Bode (Lead Content Creator), with guests Fredrick Thylander (Lead 3C Designer) how weapons are changing in Division 2 PTS.


Priority Alert

  • PTS Closing October 1st
  • Talents no longer stackable
  • Apparel event live September 24th to Oct 15th
    • Changes what happens to gear when the event ends
  • TU 5.2 updated into the game
  • Exploit to extra Armor has been fixed
  • Episode 2 and TU 6 are the same. New content. Mid-October.
    • Pentagon
    • New specialization – not told
  • TU 6 is about Fixing many things not just Gear, Dark zone and other things.

Developer Interview  – Fredrick Thylander

  • Understanding that we are going to have to regrind for gear sets but this is to hope never do again. a “Rebuild Patch”
  • Trying to keep gear in check
  • His team is the one who setups up gear.
  • Removal of Stat normalization
  • Changed the into to game to Whitehouse a lot easier for new gamers joining.
  • New notification to Skills
  • Talents
    • Went over all talents changed all of them via stats and functionality on everything.
      • Basic Talents – like Precise can not be stacked anymore.
    • Weapons – Went though all weapons and re-balanced all guns.
        • Recalibrated for more sustained damage
        • AR still under-performing in comparison to LMG’s but closer
        • All Exotics are changing Raw damage down but the Talents are increased if you play to its style.
        • Gear Set re-balancing
    • All Brands on all slots
    • 36ish Named pieces added
      • Some only available to the dark zone
    • Adding Exotic knee pads
      • When going into cover it produces an EMP Distance traveled is how much it bursts
    • SMG – Were not Viable
      • All are competitive now.
      • Taken away Critical strike range removed from the game
    • Assault Rifle – P416 change
      • Adjusted  be equal to the others
    • Rifles – Changed
      • They were underperforming now Buffed
    • Shotguns – Changed
      • Not used. Now they have damage to armor. Better damage and more vs armor
      • Watching PVP scales
    • Marksman Rifles –
      • M700s were used as a baseline
      • SVD is in between so might not have been changed
    • LMG – change
      • all equalized
    • Quality of life
      • Loot run completed you can sort easier to remove gear.
      • Filtering for brand or talent
    • Side Arms- Not changed
    • Movement – changed
      • Better movements to get moving around maps.
    • Switch Specs from the load-outs
    • Hip Fire is now only walking no longer running.
    • Pulse protection added to Yaal gear so less time to be spotted.



” With Episode 2 coming I am excited to see how the story updates. Also MORE LOADOUT SLOTS! AMAZING! “


[See More: Division 2 Title Update Brings PVP and Dark Zone Changes]

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