Division 2: State of the Game

Division 2 State of the Game – How is the world changing?


This week for the Division 2 State of the Game, Hamish Bode (Lead Content Creator), with guest Trick Dempsey (Sr. Game Designer) show us how the world is changing.


Priority Alert

  • No Maintenance this week, but possibly early next week.
  • Key Apparel event live.
    • Key issue when opening Caches is not an error, it is supposed to be random.
  • Testing Servers for latency and hit registration.
    • Already on Live conflict servers only.
  • Next week on state of the game full information for Episode 2.
    • Specialization
    • Narrative changes and everything else

Developer Interview  – Trick Dempsey

  • Episode 2 Expeditions will be unlocked for 2 weeks only! Norm, hard, challenging difficulties with Mastery’s.
    • Each Mastery has some type of mutation to make it more difficult.
    • On October 15th it opens up.
    • In the future, it will be up two weeks, down one week, up two weeks, down one week.
  • Shepherd system change
    • When Shepherd bar is filled, you get an endorsement. 2 endorsements per run now.
    • After 15 endorsements, you get a Level.
    • If you don’t fill the bar, you do not get an endorsement, it is lost.
  • The Zoo is now a stronghold and invasion
  • Camp White Oak can be invaded
  • Owl statue in Maney National Zoo – no interactive thing – will spawn a boss but will offer no rewards



Interesting things have been changed, but not too many. Hopefully, we will learn more information next week.


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