Project xCloud

Project Xcloud iOS TestFlight Has Just Gone Live With Limited Availability

For the past few month’s Project Xcloud has slowly but surely been released to more and more people. While the rollout has been very gradual, there is one specific user base that was left behind. Apple product users have been not able to participate in the testing for Project Xcloud as iOs devices were not supported. That changed today, Major Nelson took to Twitter today to announce that Apple users will be able to apply to be part of the Project xCloud iOS TestFlight preview. However, this is a very limited preview as at this time there will only be 10,000 people allowed to join this preview at this time. Below are some quick facts and info about what you will need to know about the iOS TestFlight.

  • The iOS TestFlight preview is only available in the US, UK, and Canada at this time.
  • Unlike the Xbox Game Streaming (Preview) app on Android, this iOS TestFlight preview is for Project xCloud only and does not include Xbox Console Streaming (Preview) at this time.
  • Due to App Store policy, the iOS TestFlight preview will begin with one game, “Halo: The Master Chief Collection.”
  • As is standard with iOS TestFlight builds, we’re starting with a very limited preview audience. Up to 10,000 testers will be invited into the preview, but we anticipate that demand will exceed our capacity and we will be unable to accommodate all applicants. We’ll distribute invitations to participate on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Because of how iOS TestFlight works, those who are accepted into the iOS TestFlight preview may not necessarily participate for the full duration of the preview. As noted earlier, there are limited spaces available, so for testing purposes we may need to cycle through registrants in order to best utilize the available testing audience. This also means that even if you miss out on the initial allocation, you might receive an invitation to participate later in the preview!


Have you been participating in the Project xCloud TestFlights? Let us know your thoughts and experiences in the comments below and don’t forget to check back for the latest gaming news and information.

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